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Links and Stuff

Web-page building info page, and IRC help, Pirch, Mirc related links

Hi! ...This room is in constant fluctuation! I have tried to put a variety of informative banners and links here! Please, if a link is not working, put a note in my guestbook, so I can fix it, I appreciate the time and effort on your part! ...One of the banners I have here is for making some money while surfing the web. It really works, I made enough last month to cover my ISP bill, and a little bit more! Try All-Advantage, you may like it and earn some money!Another is a link for learning about web pages, and a lot of suggestions for improving your page (I should read it, hehehe). The link for is for a search engine, one of the best, you should try it! ...If you do nothing else, please sign my guest-book to let me know you were here. Thanks!!
Oh, yeah-- I removed the pIRCh and mIRC info for now, to update. Sorry, I will put new addresses on asap!

I can tell you for sure that the best place to get your pIRCh program is , and the place for mIRC is, hope that helps a little! :-)

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