I had a dream that Oprah Winfrey was chasing me while throwing books at me and telling my to read them. She said I would love them. One book flew past me and hit Fred Flintstone in the head. Fred yelled "D'oh!" in Homer Simpson's voice. Then, I was in the library trying to study Physics(I am in Law School) when the place caught on fire. I ran outside and found Bill Clinton with a torch setting everything on fire. I went to try to stop him and a Secret Service agent grabbed me and held me while he burned down my school.

"My weirdest dream was one where I was naked in school. I know everyone has had that dream, but in mine I was as anatomically correct as a Ken doll. It was pretty scary. All the girls were laughing at me and the guys kept calling me names. It was terrible.

-Lee Davis, San Antonio, TX
I want to hear about your weird dreams. E-mail them to me and I will post the good ones for everyone to see!
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