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-- The Home of EASY MONEY on the Internet --
A website to help people like you and me earn a little extra money.
Welcome. You've found the home of some of my best ideas for making EASY MONEY!
This used to be one of those "send me a dollar for no reason" sites. It was fun. I attracted more than 16,000 visitors from more than 80 nations. But I made only $1.00 from all of those visitors!! What a waste of good traffic and other people's time.
I wanted to do something productive.So I've started devising several plans that I can share with you for making money. Some of them, I'll give to you for free. Others, I'll sell at a very small price.
One, let me tell you...I am a normal everyday person just like you. I go to work. I get my paycheck every two weeks and I have my own apartment. But I've spent the last 4 years creating plans and implementing strategies that now earn me an additional $20,000 a year in income by working about 1 hour a night, 4 nights a week from my apartment (and occasionally answering emails while at work).
$20,000 a year might not seem like a lot of money to some people, but for me, when I add it to the pittance I earn a newspaper reporter, it's a huge jump in my standard of living (a nearly 50% jump in my income level!).
My income comes from many sources...all of them legal and ethical. All of them easy and very profitable.
I'll fill you in on one money making strategy right now, for free....It makes me about $50 to $70 a month ($600 to $800 a year) and requires no time and no work.
It's called ALL ADVANTAGE and it's one of the hottest sites on the net. AllAdvantage is also in on the deal now too and, at the moment, is the best one going.
In a nutshell, they pay you to let them put an ad on your computer!
That's it. This isn't a joke or a scam. All you do is let it run while you surf and you get paid by the hour. What's even better, is that you are allowed to put ads and buttons on your own site and email your friends (NO SPAM) to recrute new users.
Each time you recruit a new user, you get credit and money for every hour that they surf. The more friends you sign up, the bigger the paychecks are at the end of the month.
That's it. Just give it a try. It's smarter than sending a dollar to me for nothing and you can make quite a bit of cash while you're at it!


Join AllAdvantage.com Join AllAdvantage.com
Just Click On this banner and you can sign up!!


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Well, simply put, they give you money and they give me money. Very cool.

Email: Click here and email me your questions and comments!


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Always Expanding

Ok. I trust you took the 5 minutes to join All Advantage. It's worth it. Trust me. Remember, I said I earn $20,000 a year working about 4 hours a week. I didn't do that all with All Advantage though. Like I said, I implemented a host of money making strategies aimed at HARVESTING what the internet has to offer....money. Lots of it. If you've joined All Advantage, you already know I'm not kidding. There is money out there to be had for doing very little. You just need to know how to market yourself and find the strategies that work the best.

A Great Investment

Now, for those of you bright folks who've caught on to where this all is leading....you're right. I'm going to try and sell you something. Before you recoil in anger and click off to another website, stop. I'm not here to take your hard earned cash and give nothing in return. In fact, what I'm selling is extremely inexpensive and is effective and well-designed. If you can afford $10 and the hour or so you need to study my plan and information, you will be thankful.

High Traffic

What I'm selling for $10.00 includes:
- A 10 page money making strategies report.
- A CD or disk complete with an internet ready website for you.
- Dozens of sources of free money, low cost business ideas, internet resources for making money with little or no work and more.
- A plan that makes me $20,000 a year. It can work for you too.

One of a Kind

Give it a shot. It's $10.00 in US cash, money orders or check. It's a drop in the bucket and WILL pay for itself in a matter of days (not weeks, days).
Send $10.00 to:
Internet Marketing
PO Box 610
Lorain, OH 44052
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Copyright © Ryan Cornell 1999/2000 Join the MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards!

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