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The ENTIRE K1 Process
Sunday, 08-Mar-98 21:20:46

Message: writes:

What a TERRIFIC page!!! I wish I had found it earlier!! My fiance (who is in Jacksonville Florida and I (who is in Toronto Canada) JUST finished the K1 Process. We filed back in October 1997 at the INS Processing Centre in Texas,,we were approved a month later and I FINALLY received the packet from the US Consulate in Montreal in early January,,,needless to say I had most of the stuff I needed and sent the forms back right away,,,I had my interview in Montreal last Wednesday (March 4) needless to say it WAS NOT what I expected. I thought it would be a piece of cake and that they would hand me my VISA with no problems needless to say this did NOT happen...I got to the Consulate at 10:00am and my appointment was at 10:30. My mom came with me because we had taken the train and decided to stay a few days For starters they wouldn't let my mom in the building so she had to wait a the hotel. I went through an unbelieveable security check metal detectors, checking pockets purses etc then I was told to go downstairs to pay my $45.00 US for my "Machine Readable Visa Fee" which was NON refundable if I didn't get the VISA,,,after 1/2 hour I went upstairs and got to the window at exactly 10:29 am and the girl new exactly who I was,,,they dont take you if your late I'm told so leave yourself LOTS of time,,,I handed her all my paperwork and waited for her to hand me my VISA,,,she then informed me that I would be called for my interview by an officer,,within 2 minutes of sitting down my name was called and into the interview room I went...the OFFICER if behind glass and your in a tiny little cubicle like if I wasn't nervous enough I was told not to sit he would prefer me to stand, I was then told he did NOT have to give me the visa and it was at his discretion if he decided NOT to give it to me he would tell me why. I was then grilled like I was being charged with some sort of crime,,,I was asked the same questions over and over in a different format to ensure I gave the same answers (if your not a legitimate fiance don't bother trying to fool them cuz you'll never be able to do it) I was then questioned about stuff which was totally irrelevant needless to say he had me almost in tears by the end of the interview i was then told to "pick it up at 3:00pm) so beware that your flight/train doesn't leave to early!! Our train was leaving at 3:45 so needless to say we cut it pretty close. The girl who took my papers at the beginning was TERRIFIC and she turned out to be the one to give me my VISA as well!! She was VERY helpful and answered all of my questions! It was an incredibly stressful 2 days but there is no doubt in my mind it will be totally worth it!! I leave for Florida in 3 weeks and even though I'll miss my family TERRIBLY I miss Dan tonnez! OH a quick note,,we had been planning on being married at Sandals in Bahamas until I was advised that we HAD to marry in the United States so needless to say our plans are starting from scratch. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me at,,I would be more then happy to answer any questions you may of luck to you all..Colleen

Friday, 06-Mar-98 19:10:21

Message: writes:

Today I called the Texas Service Center, finally got through to the office, then a 10-min hold to get a live person...she said the approved I-129F's are sent to the foreign consulates by diplomatic pouch, and that this takes 3 to 4 weeks for the documents to be transported to the foreign consulate...I therefore anticipate that if you have received an approval notice from TSC, anticipate more than 4 weeks for packet to be sent to foreign fiance.


need help with k-1 process
Tuesday, 03-Mar-98 16:37:51

Message: writes:

I am just about to begin the K-1 visa process and I would greatly appreciate anyone who could walk me thru the particulars. I am a US citizen and my fiancee is from Russia. Thanks


Re: need help with k-1 process
Tuesday, 03-Mar-98 19:40:01 writes:
Hey Sam...Welcome to my board first of all !!
I'll try to assist as much as I can, and if others can also assist, I can only hope they will be as helpful :)
First of all, the petition you will have to submit first is an I-129F petition (alien fiancee) To get you started, you should go to - this is a very good site...look under the category of marriage and look for the underlined link for fiancee visa. This tells you some particulars about the petition. Next thing would be to find out which office you would be dealing with, you can also find this info out at - it depends on where you live to determine which INS (Immigration and Naturilization Service) office you will be dealing with. Check this info out and see if you need anymore assistance.... Also, if anyone can add or suggest anywhere else Sam can find good info, please respond :) Thanks All!!