
Believing that God has called us to this ministry, we (Don and Charlaine Engelhardt) founded Faith Fighters for Christ with the support and approval of our home church. Unlike most martial arts classes, we believe that leadership is established by the calling of God, not just by the belt rank of the individual. Being "called" means we are not elected or appointed, but lead in obedience to God. We will seek advice and counsel from various people, both inside and outside of the group, but the final decisions will be made by us and not by a democracy. This provides for expediting the decision making process, permitting the group to function more smoothly.

Even though we are the called leadership of the group, there will be responsibilities which may be delegated. We will determine what these are and welcome voluntary assistance in these areas as they arise.

We believe that you are entitled to know our background in both our Christian walk as well as in the martial arts. Therefore, we have included our conversion testimony with our background in martial arts and education. We have been married since 1982 and have raised three children Seth, Lauren, and Rachel. The following discussions will give information about us as individuals.

Donald R. Engelhardt CharlaineCharlaine W. Engelhardt

Stratiotia Christou Black Belts

Sensei Scott Ross, 1st Dan
Sensei Jeff Stissel, 1st Dan
Pastor Jeff Sanders, 1st Dan
Sensei Eric Sanders, 1st Dan
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