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The Thirties

The Thirties were a time of great hardships. The people were plagued by the hardships of the Great Depression which began in 1929. There was alot of violence because people were hungry, out of work, and unhappy. There was also a great drought in the west which brought about the Dust Bowl, the barren wasteland that Oklahoma and other western states became when the water-lacking land was whipped about by strong winds. This lead to the destruction of thousands of acres of farm land, which also put most farmers out of a job. This caused a great migration to California where there were thought to be plenty of jobs, but as more and more people moved out there, the jobs became more and more scarce, and now the destitute, hungry, angry farmers were also in California. Many people, mostly children, died of malnutrition during these times.

this is all i have for now, i'll update it more later......

Here Are Some Links

here is one for FDR...
here is one on Gertrude Stein...

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