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Ghetto SuperStars

Ghetto Superstars


This is my daughter, Toni. She is a Freshman in a very progressive high-arts impact high school, located where we live, in Columbus Ohio. The school is named after the military fort it is formed on. That school is, Ft. Hayes Arts & Academic High School.

I am very proud of her academic and art achievements. She is an honor student, and also a member of the Ft. Hayes Symphonic Band as a percussionist. She is very popular with students and teachers. She assists with tours of the school and grounds. When she finishes her high school requirements, she plans on attending a good college, while seeking a medical degree.

As a mom, there is not much more I could ever ask. I love her dearly. She will cringe when she sees this last line, but they are my honest feelings.

Ghetto SuperStars Too

My Webring site for Dark Shadows