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Welcome to the Danno's World
Webpet Adoption Center

Glad you could drop by. What's a WebPet? Glad you asked. It's a virtual pet for your homepage. However, unlike certain other electronic pets, it'll never become sick or disobedient, or wake you up at midnight to beg for food. And it won't starve or get overfed, no matter how many times you (or your page's visitors) decide to feed it.

What do WebPets look like? Here's an example:

My Pet
My WebPet, Roswell

Get a WebPet at Danno's World!

Meet Roswell, the alien WebPet. As you can see, he's very polite and will obey your commands immediately. (He's been to obedience school). Below you will find Roswell and other WebPets for you to download onto your page.

BTW, Webpets do use a bit of Javascript, so if Roswell doesn't seem to be doing anything when you click the buttons, you most likely have an older browser that's Java-less. Give the folks at Netscape a visit.

To get a webpet, all you need is your own homepage and some knowledge of HTML programming. You must be familiar with uploading images to your page's directory. Click on one of the webpet icons below to get started.

The WebPets available for adoption right now are:





More will be coming soon. Any questions, suggestions or comments can be mailed to

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