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My Beloved

This page is simply dedicated to all of those people that fill my days with sunshine! I love you guys! *huggs and kisses*

Dad : Thank you for all that you've done for me and all that you've taught me, your guidance, wisdom, and love mean the world to me.

Mom : Although we have had many ups and downs throughout the past few years, I would never trade you in, I love you!!!!

Sanna : To my forever sister, I love you with all of my heart! I only wish I could be there with you!!!!!! Mina rakastan sinua!

Pip : You are wonderful and I thank God for the time that we've had together, I love you!

Steven : Where to begin? We've been there with eachother through so much. You helped keep me sane throughout those crummy 4 years at good old MHS. We've been by eachother's sides though the fun times and the heartbreaks, we've fought, we've loved and still we forever seem to become closer. I don't know how to put into words how much you mean to me.

Gregory : What can I say to someone that I have been through so much with? You are truely a one in a million friend, you'll always hold a special place in my heart.

and to all the rest of you that have touched my life, thank you and may God bless!!!