Dew Drop . . . s-220


Simple motifs in contrasting colors joined with star-shaped fill-in lace.


J & P COATS BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET, Art. A.104, Size 30:   1 ball each of White and No. 123-A Flamingo; or

Clark's Big Ball Mercerized Crochet, Art. B.34, Size 30:   1 ball each of White and No. 123-A Flamingo; or

Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Art. B.4, Size 30:   2 balls each of White and a color of your own choice.

Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

Doily measures 14 1/2 inches square.

Each motif measures 2 1/4 inches square.

FIRST MOTIF -- Crocheted Braid . . . Starting at narrow end with White, ch 8.

1st row:  In 8th ch from hook make dc, ch 2 and dc.  Ch 7, turn.

2nd row to 24th rows incl:  In ch-2 sp make dc, ch 2 and dc.  Ch 7, turn.  Break off at end of 24th row (12 loops on each side).  Sew narrow ends together.

FILL-IN-MOTIF . . .  Attach Flamingo to any loop on inner edge, ch 4, tr in each loop around.  Join and break off.

OUTER EDGE . . .  Attach Flamingo to any loop on outer edge, sc in same loop, ch 7, sc in next loop, * ch 7, in next loop make tr, ch 7 and tr; (ch 7, sc in next loop) twice.  Repeat from * around.  Join and break off.

SECOND MOTIF . . .  Work as for First Motif until Fill-In-Motif has been completed.

OUTER EDGE . . .  Attach Flamingo to any loop on outer edge, sc in same loop, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, tr in next loop, ch 3, sl st in corresponding sp on First Motif, ch 3, tr in same loop on Second Motif, (ch 3, sl st in next sp on First Motif, ch 3, sc in next loop on Second Motif) twice; ch 3, sl st in next sp on First Motif, ch 3, tr in next loop on Second Motif.  Complete rnd, joining next corner as before.

Make 6 rows of 6 motifs, joining adjacent sides as Second Motif was joined to First Motif (where 4 corners meet, join 3rd and 4th corners to joining of previous 2 corners).

EDGING . . . 1st rnd:  Attach White to any corner sp, in same sp make sc, ch 7 and sc; *ch 7, sc in next sp.  Repeat from * around, making sc, ch 7 and sc in each corner sp and ending with ch 3, tr in first sc.

2nd rnd:  Sc in sp formed by ch-3 and tr, ch 3, in next loop make (tr, ch 5, dc in last tr made) 5 times and tr; * ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, in next loop make (tr, ch 5, dc in last tr made) 3 times and tr.  Repeat from * around, working other corner loops as before.  Join and break off. Starch lightly and press.

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