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continuecontinue's home page

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Hi! I am continuecontinue, I have other pages which are linked below, and am still learning every time I come on-line. So, come on in, wander around, get to know me, check out some of my links, enjoy yourself and please, sign my guestbook before you leave. Thanks!

My name in real-life is Paulette. I am 40 years old, divorced (all these many years), and have a 19 year old daughter who is "all grown up".  (Pssst, y'all pray for me, ok?)   *wink*    I live in a small town just outside of Columbus, Ohio. (I love small town's so quiet and peaceful.)

Click here to see Columbus's weather radar. (find Ohio, in the center, it says CMH)

I enjoy chatting on ICQ.

Stephen King is my hero! I've read all his books...He paints such a clear picture with his story telling. Well, I found a cool web page dedicated to him. It has bunches of links to other sites about him too. Click here to visit the Stephen King Website.a twinkling smilie I think you'll like it!
UPDATE!!!   I just discovered the Official Stephen King Web Presence   take a look!

I've never met this man, but came across his homepage while surfing one evening MEN especially should check out his page (re: g-spot location) *wink* WOMEN, you should take a look too (re: date rape)! I really enjoyed myself and learned some stuff too while at his pages..check out ynottonyj:

YnottonyJ's web page

While surfing the 'net, I found this great "news" site. It's The Onion. If you are in the mood for a big belly laugh, check them out.

If you have any suggestions regarding how I can make my home more "homey," something you'd like to see here, or just want to say hi, please sign my guestbook; or feel free to e-mail me.

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Last Updated: February 21, 2001

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