Heartache and Healing

Heartache and Healing

by Beth Mott

  Rain spattered gently against the train's moisture
layered window. 
The sky above was thickly filled with gray, ominous
looking clouds that
threatened to open up and release its pent-up liquids
on the dreary world
   From inside the moving train, a pair of deep brown
eyes examined the
dismal looking countryside as the small droplets of
water seeped out of
the blankets of cloud above. After scanning the
horizon for several
minutes and not finding a break in the dark cover, the
passenger leaned
back in her train seat with a disappointed sigh,
closing her eyes to hide
her tears.
   At the sound of the sigh, a pair of concerned eyes
turned quickly to
look at her. 
Reaching out a hand to cover the small one in her lap,
her companion
   "How are you feeling?"
   The young woman turned her head and looked at him,
reading the worry
in his eyes. With a weak smile she replied, "I'm okay,
but I'll be very
happy to get off this train."
   "It’s been a rough trip for you hasn't it?"  the
young man commented,
squeezing her hand tighter.
   "I've had better."  She admitted.
   "Don't worry.  We're almost there."  her companion
assured her. 
"We've just turned the last bend.  We should be there
in about five or
ten minutes.  Then we'll get you home and to bed."
   The young woman nodded in appreciation, then leaned
her head back
again and closed her eyes.

   "This is awful weather to welcome Colleen and
Andrew home in." 
Matthew grumbled to Brian as he pulled his wet jacket
closer to himself. 
The two young men were standing on the train platform
in front of the
station, waiting anxiously for the 2:00 train from
   "I hope the train comes soon."  Brian commented,
looking down the
tracks, trying to see signs of the expected train. 
"You and I are likely
to catch our death of cold." 
"It’s just a good job we insisted that Dr. Mike keep
Katie at the
clinic.  The poor girl would be soaked to the skin." 
Matthew remarked,
secretly wishing he and Brian were there with them. 
Brian was also
wishing the same thing.  But he was still glad that
Colleen and Andrew
were coming home.  True, it was only for three weeks,
but at least they
would be home.
   "It sure has seemed strange not having Colleen and
Andrew around for a
whole year." Brian declared, voicing his thoughts
   Matthew nodded in agreement.  "I've missed both of
them.  I still find
it funny not
seeing Andrew here and there around town or having him
join the family 
occasionally for dinner.  And I miss meeting Colleen
at the station and
marveling at how much she'd changed over the
intervening time.  She's
become such a wonderful young woman.  I'm so proud of
   "Me too."  Brian agreed.  "I'm so happy that she's
getting to be a
doctor and that she's found someone who shares her
love of medicine." 
Then, after a pause he added.  "I used to worry that
she'd never find
someone like Pa, someone who didn't mind his wife
being a doctor."
   Matthew looked at his younger brother with surprise
written on his
handsome face. Then his lips turned up into an amused
smile.  Reaching
over his tousled his younger brother's rain drenched
hair.  "I think
you're more grown up than I thought."
   Brian, pleased, but a trifle embarrassed, just
shrugged slightly.   At
fifteen, Brian was indeed looking very grown up.  He
had added a few
inches to his height and was now the same size as his
older brother.  He
was also capable of doing the work of a man, and was
very willing to lend
a hand anywhere and anytime he was needed.  Having
just completed his
last year in the local school he had set his sights on
becoming a
journalist, and was now a full time helper to Miss
Dorothy at the local
Gazette.  Though he was still young, he was receiving
much recognition in
the town as a fine journalist.  In fact his latest
article, which
was dealing with one of  Matthew's recent legal cases,
was carried by one
of the Denver papers.
   Matthew was smiling proudly at his younger brother
when both of them
were alerted to the train's arrival by a sudden, sharp
whistle.  Quickly
they diverted their gaze upon it.

   "We're here."  Andrew gently announced to Colleen
as he saw the
Colorado Springs station appear out the train's side
   Colleen roused herself and peered out the
rain-streaked window.  Home
she thought happily as she took in the familiar
surroundings.  Andrew was
already moving about, gathering up their small bags,
preparing to
disembark from the train.
   "Ready?"  He asked when he had everything in order.
 Colleen nodded
mutely and rose to exit the train.

   "There they are!"  Brian cried excitedly as he
spotted Colleen and
Andrew emerge from the train.  He began waving
frantically to get their
attention.  Andrew spotted him and an amused smile lit
up his face.
   "Brian!"  he called in return.  Colleen managed a
warm smile as she
climbed down the stairs and landed on the platform. 
Before she could go
more than a few steps she was gathered into a pair of
eager arms and
given an enormous bear hug.
   "You look wonderful!"  Matthew exclaimed, kissing
his sister on the
   "You’re looking pretty good yourself!"  the excited
young woman replied.
 Then turning to her younger brother she enveloped him
in a big hug while
Matthew greeted Andrew.
   "Come on, let’s get you two out of this miserable
weather."  Matthew
urged as he grabbed one of the bags from Andrew's
hand.  "Ma will be
anxious about you."
   "Well, then we'd better not keep her waiting." 
Andrew laughed
joyously as the group made their way towards the

   "Well, Ruth, everything seems to be coming along
nicely."  Dr.
Michaela Quinn stated as she finished examining the
pregnant woman that
laid on the examination table.
   "That's a relief."  The middle aged woman commented
as she rose and
sat on the edge of the table.  "I guess, I can't help
but worry about
things.  I like to make sure of things every step of
the way."
   "Well, that's a good practice to be in."  Dr. Mike
assured her with a
smile.  "But you're doing everything properly.  It
shouldn't be much
longer now."
   "That'll be a relief."  Ruth said with an
exaggerated sigh, a warm
smile playing on her lips.  "I'll be glad to have my
figure back again. 
I can't believe how much room one baby needs.  I swear
I must be carrying
   Michaela laughed.  "I felt the same way when I had
Katie.  I felt like
I was pregnant for a hundred years."
   The two women laughed joyously as the clinic door
opened to admit four
very wet and bedraggled creatures.
  "Colleen!"  Michaela cried happily as she identified
the newcomers. 
Immediately she enclosed her daughter in a warm
embrace.  "Finally, I was
beginning to worry that the train wasn't going to make
   Colleen laughed good-naturedly at her mother's
concern and returned
the other
woman's embrace.  "We made it, though I would have
preferred if you could
arranged for better weather for our arrival."  the
younger woman teased
with a big smile.
   "I did my best, but I guess I was overruled."  Dr.
Mike laughed
happily.  Then she turned her attention to Andrew and
reached over to
give him a warm embrace.  "How's your practice in
Philadelphia going?" 
She asked after they had finished hugging.
   "Good."  Andrew replied, shaking some of the rain
from his coat.  "I
have about
twenty patients now.  Not bad for a city that has a
doctor on almost
every corner block."
   "Do you practice alone, or with another doctor?" 
Michaela asked,
looping her arm lovingly through Colleen's.
   "Mostly alone.  There's another doctor who looks
after my patients
when I'm away, and I look after his when he's away. 
But generally
speaking we have our own practices." Andrew replied
   Before any more questions could be asked, Dr.
Mike's patient decided
it was time for her to take her leave and began to try
to ease herself
from the table.  Andrew and Matthew both noticed her
struggling with her
extra burden to maneuver herself off the table.  They
rushed over to help
   "Thank you, gentlemen."  Ruth smiled gratefully
once she was resting
firmly on both feet.
   "Ruth,"  Michaela began, turning to introduce the
woman to her
offspring.  "I'd like you to meet my daughter, Colleen
and her husband,
Dr. Andrew Cook.  Colleen, Andrew, this is Ruth Lodge.
 She moved into
town not too long after you both left."
   "Its nice to meet you, Mrs. Lodge."  Andrew smiled
kindly, extending
his hand to her.
   "Its a pleasure to meet you too, Dr. Cook. and you
too Mrs. Cook." 
She replied
friendly, addressing each in turn.
   "I was just wondering, are you of any relation to
Preston Lodge?" 
Andrew asked curiously.
   The woman smiled slyly, "I guess you could say
that.  I'm his wife."
   Both Andrew and Colleen looked at her in
astonishment.  "H-His wife?" 
repeated in surprise.  The woman nodded.  Andrew
swallowed hard and tried
to reclaim his shocked senses.  "Well, that's
wonderful.  H-How long have
you been married?"
  "About 13 months."  the woman replied.  "We got
married last July."
   "Last July?! Well,...ah,...congratulations." 
Andrew exclaimed, still
marveling at the situation.
   "Thank you, Dr. Cook."  She smiled.  "If you'll
excuse me, I have to
be getting home. It was a pleasure to meet you both. 
I hope to see you
   "I'm sure you will."  Andrew and Colleen replied in

   It was about 2:30 in the afternoon when Preston
Lodge strode firmly
and determinedly up the front steps of the Spring
Chateau.  Once inside
he turned and headed directly for the manager's
office, where he knew
he'd find the manager, Mr. Charles Wright. Knocking
confidently on the
door he opened it when bidden to do so.
   "Good afternoon, Mr. Wright."  he greeted the man
seated behind the
large oak desk 
   "Mr. Lodge."  the man nodded, his greeting a little
more reserved. 
"What may I do for you?"
   Preston sat down in the comfortable chair provided
for visitors and
looked directly at Mr. Wright's solemn face.  "I have
come to make you an
offer you can not possibly refuse."
   "Now, Mr. Lodge..." the other man began.
   Preston interrupted him by holding up his hand.  "I
know what you're
going to say, but hear me out first."  The other man
sighed, but nodded
for him to proceed.  "Now, Mr. Wright.  I am well
aware of the fact that
business here in Colorado Springs has been down since
the stock market
crash last year.  People are afraid of spending their
money in case of
another crises.  I, however, have completely recovered
from the tragedy
and I am prepared to offer you a reasonable price to
buy back the
   "Mr. Lodge,"  the other man began as he removed his
spectacles and
rubbed the bridge of his nose.  Putting the glasses
back on he continued.
 "Now, you and I have had this little conversation in
the past.  And as I
have clearly stated in the past, we are not interested
in selling the
Chateau, no matter how much money you offer for it. 
Now I understand
that you built the hotel, and that it was your little
project.  But
business is doing just fine, in fact, our investors
are very pleased with
the way things are heading.  So, I suggest that you
take your money, or I
should say, your wife's money, and use it for
something else."
   "But, Mr. Wright..." Preston tried to protest, but
Mr. Wright
interrupted him.
   "This is my final word.  I will not discuss this
subject further, not
now, not ever. 
   Preston looked very harshly at the other man. 
"Understood."  He
snarled as he rose from his seat.  "But I promise you
this, you will
regret it."   With that Preston turned on his heels
and left the Chateau.

   Back at the clinic, Andrew and Colleen turned
eagerly to Michaela as
soon as Ruth Lodge closed the door behind her.  Both
were just bursting
with curiosity.
   "Okay, Michaela."  Andrew prompted.  "Lets hear the
   "Story?"  Michaela repeated in an innocent voice. 
"What story?" 
Andrew and Colleen just looked at her expectantly. 
With a laugh the
older woman explained.  "About a week after you two
left for
Philadelphia, Preston made an urgent trip to Boston. 
He was gone about a
month.  When he came back he presented the town to
Mrs. Ruth Lodge." 
   "You mean in that month he had gone back to Boston,
met a woman and
married?"  Andrew gaped in astonishment. 
   "No, not really."  Dr. Mike smiled.  "Apparently,
Preston and Ruth
were engaged
about four years ago.  Ruth's family was very well
off.  Her father owned
a couple of very successful businesses and the family
was worth a great
deal of money.  About a month before the wedding, one
of Ruth's father's
businesses failed, causing him to loose a healthy
portion of his wealth. 
That being the case, the family's wealth was then
considerably lower than
the Lodge empire.  Preston couldn't bear to marry a
'pauper', so he
called off the wedding and decided to head west to
escape Ruth and her
   "The cad."  Andrew pronounced.  "As if he could do
that.  How
heartless.  Poor Miss Ruth, how awful she must have
   Michaela nodded.  "She pined for Preston for months
she said, for she
was truly in love with him."
   "Well, how is it that she's here now?"  Colleen
asked, tiredly
lowering herself onto a chair by the window.
   "After Preston lost all his money in the stock
market crash last year,
he was even more of a pauper than her family had been
when they lost one
of their businesses.  So, he decided to go back and
see if he could make
Ruth care for him again.  Obviously he must have
succeeded."  Michaela
   Andrew still shook his head at the situation.  "I
always knew that
Preston was
underhanded, but this is even lower than I thought he
would go." 
   Michaela smiled, "I know, but, they seem happy. 
Well, as happy as
expected anyway.  After all, Preston's got his money,
or rather, her
money, and Ruth has Preston."
   "That's not exactly my idea of a happy marriage." 
Colleen commented,
turning her nose up slightly.
   "Mine either."  Dr. Mike agreed with a laugh.  "But
enough about them.
 I want to hear about you.  How's everything going
with you guys?"
   Colleen and Andrew looked at each other and smiled.
 "Things couldn't
be better."  Colleen announced, leaning back tiredly
in her chair.
   "How's Medical School?"  Michaela asked, leaning
back against the
examination table.
   Colleen's eyes began to sparkle.  "Wonderful.  I
absolutely love it!"
   "Did you find the studies difficult?"  Dr. Mike
asked curiously.
   The young woman thought for a moment.  "Not
terribly.  I managed to
stay near the top of my class.  Though, I must confess
I had a little
help."  She looked at Andrew lovingly.  Andrew smiled
   Michaela smiled too and replied, "Well, I guess it
would be helpful to
have your own private tutor."
   "Well, we should probably go get the luggage and
get out to the
homestead."  Andrew announced after the good natured
laughter died down. 
He had been carefully observing Colleen's growing
weariness.  "Will you
be okay here for a few minutes while Matthew, Brian
and I take the wagon
and get the trunk?"
   Colleen nodded.  "I'll be fine."
   Andrew bent down and kissed the side of her head. 
"I'll be back
before too long." 
   Colleen smiled and nodded.  And with that the three
young men turned
and exited the clinic.

	Ruth Lodge was in the middle of making supper when
Preston opened
the door to their homestead.  After Sully had quit
working on the house,
Preston had hired a contractor from Denver to come out
and finish it. 
The house was soundly constructed, but it still ate at
Preston that it
wasn't as nice as the Sully homestead, even though he
had poured a
considerable amount of money into it.  The design had
been the same, but
it lacked Sully's personal skill and that's what made
the difference in
Preston's thinking.
	"How did your meeting go with Mr. Wright?"  Ruth
asked as Preston
collapsed with a sigh into one of the chairs before
the fireplace.
   Preston groaned in response.  Ruth left the stove
and came over to her
husband. Awkwardly she knelt down in front of him. 
"Preston, sweetheart.
 What happened?  Did it not go well?"
   Preston looked at her in annoyance.  "No, it did
not go well.  He
turned me down before I could even tell him what my
offer was."
   "Oh, Preston.  I'm sorry.  Truly I am."  Ruth
sympathized.  "I know
how much that hotel meant to you."
   Preston looked at her and then stood up.  He began
pacing back and
forth in front of the fireplace.  What was he going to
do now?  He
wondered desperately.  He had lost his hotel.  He had
virtually lost his
bank.  The building was still there and the bank was
open, but after what
happened last year nobody in town was willing to put
money in, or even
borrow money from him.  He was basically finished.  
Boy, Sully and
Michaela must be having a jovial laugh at him now. 
The thought of that
made Preston angry.
   "Come and sit, Preston."  Ruth encouraged, still
kneeling on the floor
before the seat he had just vacated.
   Preston turned his back to her and tried to think
what his next plan
of action should be.
   "Preston, please."  Ruth pleaded.  Preston sighed
in annoyance, but
   "Now, look.  I know you are frustrated and
disappointed by the way
things are going. You've lost your precious hotel and
the bank isn't
doing much business.  But think about it.  They are
only businesses. 
They aren't the most important thing in the world. 
Look at what you do
have.  You have a nice house, you have money in the
bank, you have a wife
that loves you very much.  And you are about to have a
child.  A child
who will look up to his father, just like you look up
to your father. 
And this child is not going to care what businesses
you own or how
prosperous you are.  The only thing this child is
going to care about is
the fact that you are his father."  At that point she
took Preston's
large hand and placed it on her rounded belly.  The
baby responded with a
strong kick.  Preston's eyes
widened and he looked at Ruth's face.  The baby kicked
again and this
time Preston even allowed a small smile to form on his

   A few hours later, the entire Sully family was
gathered together
around the living
room of their beautiful homestead.  Everyone, that is,
except Colleen. 
She had stumbled up to bed as soon as they had arrived
   "I'm just a little worn out."  she explained,
trying to erase the
worry off her mother's face.  "I'll be fine after a
little nap."
   So, while Colleen slept, Dr. Mike prepared supper
as the men sat
around the living room and talked.
   "So, Michaela said that your practice is going
well."  Sully
commented, poking the logs in the fireplace, trying to
take the dampness
out of the room.
   "Yes, in fact its going better than I thought it
would."  Andrew
admitted.  "I have
some very interesting patients, and everyone of them
has a legitimate
illness.  No more of those horrible tonics needed."
   Everyone laughed knowingly at that comment.  They
were all well aware
of how much Andrew hated using the 'health tonics'
that Preston insisted
on stocking.
   "Well, you'll be happy to know that those tonics
are no longer on the
Chateau clinic shelves."  Sully informed him.  "After
Preston sold the
Chateau and Michaela took over the clinic, things like
that were
   Andrew smiled.  "Well, I'm happy to hear that.  So,
who's the doctor
out at the clinic now?  Where is he, or she, from?"
   "She's from Boston."  Matthew replied, with a
slight smile.
   Andrew noticed the grin.  "Oh, and is she getting
to be a good friend
of the family's?"
   Matthew laughed, "I guess you could say that.  In
fact she's already
very close to the family."
   "Oh?  Is that so?"  Andrew asked, a sly smile
forming on his face. 
"And what is this female doctor's name?"
   "Dr. Michaela Quinn."  Matthew replied without the
hint of a smile.
   Andrew looked surprised.  He realized that they
were stringing him
along.  The other three men and Michaela all began to
chuckle at Andrew's
   Andrew turned in his chair to look at Michaela. 
"How come you haven't
hired another doctor?  I thought you were only going
to oversee the
   "I am.  And I have already found a doctor, actually
a couple of
doctors that I would like to see run the clinic.  I
just haven't heard
word yet as to whether they'd be willing to accept the
position."  Dr.
Mike told him.
   "Who are they?  Where are they from?"  Andrew asked
curiously.  "I was
wondering if I knew them."
   "I think you do."  Michaela smiled.  "In fact I
think you know them
quite well."  At Andrew's puzzled look she went on. 
"One's from Boston. 
Went to Harvard Medical School.  Graduated at the top
of his class.  The
other is from around here and will be graduating from
the Women's Medical
College of Pennsylvania next May.  There names are
Andrew and Colleen
   Andrew looked at his mother-in-law in astonished
surprise.  "You’re
saving the medical clinic for us?"
   Michaela laughed and nodded.
   "But why?  That must be causing an awful lot of
extra work for you." 
The young
doctor commented, completely amazed that she would do
that for them.
   "It's not too bad."  The other doctor replied.
   Andrew rose and walked over to Michaela.  Extending
his hand he said,
"Thank you very much.  We really appreciate it.  It's
extremely kind and
generous of you to do that. Very self-sacrificing."
   Dr. Mike brushed his comments aside.  "It's nothing
of the kind.  In
fact it was done out of selfishness."  At that comment
Andrew looked at
her in surprise.  Michaela explained, "I just want to
have you and
Colleen home again.  I hate you being so far away in
Philadelphia.  I was
hoping you'd be more inclined to return to Colorado
Springs if you had a
practice to return to.  And I promise you, it'll be
nothing like when you
ran it for Preston."
   "Well, I'll have to talk it over with Colleen, but
I think she'll be
just as pleased as I am.  Even though we've
established a life in
Philadelphia, I can tell that Colleen doesn't really
care for the big
city.  We were hoping to be able to settle permanently
somewhere closer
by, like Denver or Manitou, but this is even better."
   The smile on his mother-in-law's face showed just
how happy she was to
hear that.  She turned towards the stove and returned
with a steaming
bowl of vegetables.  Placing them on the table she
announced, "Supper's
   Sully, Brian and Matthew rose from their chairs in
front of the
fireplace and joined Michaela  and Andrew at the
   "Smells good, Michaela."  Sully complimented as he
sat at the head of
the table.  Michaela smiled happily at the compliment.
   Andrew hesitated behind his chair as the rest of
the menfolk settled
themselves.  "I'm going to go and check on Colleen. 
She may feel like
eating something."
   "Is everything okay with her, Andrew?"  Michaela
inquired in a
concerned tone. 
"She's been asleep for hours now."
   "Oh, she's fine."  Andrew assured.  "She just found
the train ride
from Philadelphia very tiring that's all.  I'll go
check on her.  I'll be
right back."
   A few minutes later he returned with a sleepy
looking Colleen.
   "Well, look who's finally decided to make an
appearance."  Sully
teased as his
daughter joined the family at the table.
   Colleen smiled sheepishly.  "I'm sorry for sleeping
so long.  I didn't
realize that I was that tired."
   "Well, that's what you're here for."  Matthew
commented.  "Rest and
   "And we'll make sure you get plenty of it."  Sully
   Colleen smiled lovingly at her caring family. 
"Thank you."  She said
   "Shall we eat?"  Michaela asked as she started
dishing food onto her
plate.  The rest of the family followed suit.
   "Here you go, Colleen."  Brian said, handing a
plate of roast chicken
to his sister.  Colleen excepted the plate with a
smile, but the moment
that the aroma hit her nose, she felt a wave of
nausea.  She quickly past
the plate to Andrew as she tried to suppress the
   "Are you okay?" Michaela asked, noting her
daughter's pale face.
   Colleen nodded and gave her a weak smile.  "I'm
fine.  I just don't
feel much like
eating.  I think I'm going to go back upstairs and lay
down.  If you'll
excuse me."  She rose and headed towards the
   Andrew pushed back his chair and said, "I'll be
right back."  He then
helped Colleen up the stairs.
    "I wonder what that's all about?"  Michaela mused
to Sully when
Colleen and Andrew were out of earshot.
   "She probably just worn out from school and the
train trip."  Sully
commented.  "It's a long ride from Philadelphia to
Colorado Springs."
   "Yeah, but I've never seen Colleen turn her nose up
at roast chicken
before."  Michaela pointed out.  "I hope nothing is
wrong with her. 
Maybe I should give her an examination."
  "Why would you do that?"  Brian asked.  "Andrew's a
doctor.  I'm sure
if there was something wrong with Colleen he'd know
about it."
   "Brian's right."  Sully agreed.  "I'm sure
everything is just fine."
   Michaela looked at Sully and nodded, but the worry
didn't leave her

   Upstairs Colleen crawled into her old bed as Andrew
pulled the sheets
up and tucked her in.  Sitting on the edge of the bed
he leaned forward
and kissed her forehead. 
   "I'm sorry you're feeling so miserable."  Andrew
commented lovingly.
   Colleen smiled weakly at the concern in his face. 
Gently she raised a
hand and
touched his cheek.  "It's not your fault.  Well, I
guess in a way it is
your fault."  She teased slyly, then added.  "But its
okay.  I don't mind
a bit.  I mean sure, it’s a little inconvenient at
times to feel so
rotten, but it'll soon pass.  And besides, it’s worth
it."  Andrew leaned
forward and kissed her gently on the lips.
   "Just think, Colleen."  He began after he pulled
away.  "In about
three and a half
months we're going to be parents." 
   Colleen's smile brightened and her chocolate eyes
began to sparkle. 
"I know.  I can't wait.  Oh, Andrew!"  She suddenly
exclaimed.  "Andrew,
I'm so happy!"  She reached up her arms and flung them
around his neck. 
Andrew hugged her back.
   "I should be getting back downstairs."  Andrew
remarked after a few
minutes.  "I'm sure everyone is anxious to find out
what's wrong with our
precious Colleen."
   "Oh, Andrew."  Colleen pleaded eagerly, "please
don't tell them yet. 
I want to be there when you do."
   "Its going to be hard to keep it from them." 
Andrew replied
thoughtfully.  "They're bound to ask me questions when
I get back
   "Just tell them they'll have to ask me or
something."  Colleen told
him.  "I just don't want to miss out on telling them."
   Andrew smiled and nodded.  "I'll do my best to keep
it a secret." 
Then with one more kiss he left.
   As soon as Andrew stepped off the last step he was
hit with questions.
 With a good- natured laugh he replied.  "Colleen is
fine.  She just has
an upset stomach. Probably from all the traveling. 
She'll be fine.  She
just needs some rest."
   "Maybe I should check on her."  Michaela started to
   "Do you doubt my medical judgment, Michaela?" 
Andrew asked with a
mock injured tone.
   "No," Dr. Mike quickly assured him.  "I'm just
worried about my
daughter that's all."
   "Your daughter is fine.  She has a good doctor
looking after her." 
Andrew assured her with a smile as he picked up his
fork and resumed
eating his supper.    After about a minute silence,
Michaela finally
   "So then, Dr. Cook, what's wrong with her?"
   Andrew smiled, he knew Michaela wouldn't give up so
easily.  "I'm
afraid, Dr. Quinn, that that is confidential between
the patient and her
doctor."  Michaela opened her mouth to object, but
Andrew cut her off. 
"You don't want me to infringe upon that confidential
trust, do you?" 
Seeing her speechless expression he added with a
chuckle, "Look,
Michaela.  I promised Colleen I wouldn't say anything.
 She wants to tell
you all herself.  And I won't take that chance away
from her.  So, be
patient and she'll tell you in time."  The anxious
mother was visibly
disappointed by this request, but nodded her consent.

   In a small farmhouse on the other side of town, a
worried mother bent
over her young son.  The boy's face was soaked with
sweat as his fever
steadily began to climb.  His mother patiently wiped
his burning forehead
with a wet, cool cloth.  After a few minutes she
turned her worried eyes
to look at her husband who had just entered the room.
   "I think you should go for Dr. Mike."  she
announced.  "It's been
almost a week since he took sick and his fever is not
getting any lower. 
I don't know what else to do."
   "We can't afford a doctor."  The man replied
   The woman's tired face hardened in defiance.  "Then
Jimmy's going to
   The man's face softened a little, but he still
scoffed.  "He could
still die with the doctor here."
   The woman nodded in acknowledgment, but pointed
out.  "With the doctor
here he might still have a chance.  Without her, I
don't believe he has a
chance at all!" 

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