A Moment for Those Friends I Have Lost...

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Thank you for checking out my page. If you have lost a friend, before it was their time, that was close to you, then you know why I have this page.

Me on left. Wanda on right.

I have known Wanda since the beginning of 1994. We worked together and ran arround together out side of work. She was 25 when she died. She is a mother of two. She had adopted her husband's son (11) and they have a daughter who just turned 2, 3 months after Wanda's death. She died June 10, 1999 in a car accident when she was on her way to work. A man fell asleep at the wheel, went left of center and hit her head on. She was the greatest person you could ever know. To Wanda: There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. I have to pass the beautiful cross that was placed by the road, where we lost you on that aweful morning. Still to this day, I cry seeing it, at least once every other week. I loved how you you were such a good friend easy to talk, to kind to everyone, but didn't take crap from anyone. As the songs say "I'll be missing you" and "Mourn you 'til I join you"

Mike in History Class
Mike was a friend of mine from school. He had a great sense of humor. A real great guy. He went into the services after high school and went on a two week leave to visit his uncle. They were at opposite ends of a pond fishing when Mike has a ceasure. He fell in the water and drowned.

Melissa at John's (cut out of picture) Prom. I worked with her for a short period of time. She ALWAYS had a smile on her face. She was nice and funny. I didn't get to know her real well, but knew her through friends that worked with her for a long time. She was a senior in high school when she got killed in a car wreck. She was a passenger of a truck that ran off of the road and wrecked killing her.

(No Picture) Cory was a childhood friend. He always had a joke about something. He would always make you laugh. He died at the young age of 17. He had just graduated high school and he had just started working at the same place I work at 2 days before his death. He was on his way home from work and went left of center (reason unknown) and hit a dump truck head on.

There are others that have died but these are the closest to me. I don't want to name everyone I know that has died, but to all of them that has... I love you and miss you, and see ya on the other side!

Email: cocolove23@angelfire.com