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Homestead Division Order Form

To use this order form please fill in all
the required information, print it, and send to:

Homestead Division 9448 Mayfield Rd Chesterland, OH 44026

Please make check or money order out to Homestead Division We now accept major credit cards-only on plants not for seeds!! Mastercard, Visa, Discover
(Minimum shipping order $25.00 for Hostas)
Shipping & Handling Rates
Please Ignore Above Rates!! NEW RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Zones A and B: 1-12 plants $7.50 shipping (over 12 add $1.00 per plant) Zones C and D: 1-12 plants $10.00 shipping (over 12 add $1.00 per plant)
Shipping prices for seed are listed here Overseas order add $30.00 for inspection costs plus an additional $1.50 per plant for Air Mail charges. (Minimum overseas order $100.00)
Plant material will only be shipped April 25 to October 15 weather permitting.
Address: City: State: Zip: Credit Card Number:(plants only-no credit cards for seed orders) Credit Card Type:(Mastercard, Visa, Discover) Expiration Date: Sign box below after printing form (signature required) Email:
I would like to order: (Please order seed BY NUMBER-NOT NAME)
             Item Name             Cost               Quantity             Final Cost
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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