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Vampirology...such a vast, complex, and mysterious field to explore. I shall do my best to approach the subject with a gentle hand.

What is a vampire? Simply enough, vampire's are "real-people". They are you and I, and I and them. To say more, a vampire is someone either born, or infected with the vampiric trait. A vampire is one with the ability to absorb, or simply take the energy from another. The vampire is one who does not have exraordinary powers, as legend has created. Though some vampires, though rarely injured, will heal quite quickly. Much faster than the non-vampire.

A vampire does not necessarily have to drink blood, though most do have a fondness of it, and some quite simply must have it to sustain their life's energy. Let me make it abhorrently clear at this point that, vampires DO NOT go out and kill innocent little babies, and other victims so that they may feed. This is utter nonsense. Also, vampires do not turn to ashes when exposed to the light of the sun. As I said before, vampires are human, and humans need sunlight, do they not? The vampire may experience some discomfort while out and about in the sun, and that applies not only to those that have the fairest of skin. The vampiric eye is also quite sensitive to bright lights, and can often focus much better in dim, or darkened areas. One cannot "kill" a vampire with a mere crucifix in the face, or by saturating them with Holy Water. In fact, most vampires adore crucifixes and rosaries, as they do make great jewelry. Another myth to dispel here is that vampires are not harmed by garlic. All in all, I have yet to meet a vampire who despises garlic.

Moving right along with this...Vampires DO have reflections in the mirror. And I must say that vampire's do love to check their appearance quite often, as the hair and dress must be precise and exact. Moreover, not all vampires sleep in coffins, though there are some that prefer to, and that is by all means, their own habit's and preference.

The question of why vampires have a liking to blood is quite simply this: Blood is the source of life. Vampires can absorb energy from drinking the blood of another. There are also the vampires that are just manically attracted to it. Another way of obtaining energy, is through the "vampire attack". And I do NOT mean an attack in which the vampire has you pinned to the ceiling, and is ready to bite you with pearly white protruding fangs. I am speaking of psychic energy which the vampire is capable of retrieving from others. This is quite an attack in itself, as it leaves the victim feeling drained, and physically, as well as emotionally tired. This type of attack is a serious one, as the vampire may use one victim repeatedly, and can cause great unhappiness within that person, which can have disasterous results.

One may inquire as how to become a vampire. Vampirism is not a silly child's game, and nor is it the everlasting, "immortal" life that it has been claimed as. Vampirism is conceived to an infant in-utero, from a parent who either carries the vampiric trait, or is a vampire themself. One may also try to become a vampire by means of becoming infected with the disease. I say try, because there is no documented sucess rate, nor certain characteristic one may hold, as to better receive the disease. One could certainly try to become infected through the blood of another vampire. As with this partaking, the "infected" vampire will go through certain physical changes, as sensitivity to the sunlight, and other bright lights, as well as the other slight physical differences as described above. One may also be quite ill after receiving the infected blood, and still yet, others may not be affected at all.

I do hope for you, my dearest reader, that I have better enlightened you on the subject of vampirism. I am certainly not the oracle on all that is, so I have included a few links below that I have found to be of interest.

I close this now, and wish for you only the sweetest of dreams, and eternal happiness. --Forever yours...Seven

The links...

a good one...
and another...
some more of the good stuff
you should know by now...
the story of Dracula
info on the vampire
the vampire white pages...(go figure)
