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Welcome to Ca1amity Cays Cache of Colorful memories...


On these pages you will see the memories of the first family Christmas we've had in a few years. We were together at Greg's home in 1999, but this is the first gathering at 'moms' new home. I've really enjoyed decorating, baking and making everything come together as it was when the boys were growing up. Trying to reminisce with my kids while showing their kids our ole' family traditions that started back in the 60s. Yep, I'm not afraid to go back in time...thats what life and getting old is all about...our good memories! All those packages under the tree?

All for them...and they were the best Christmas gift my kids could give me!

As you can see by this photo of my kids and the one following,

my dining table wasn't be big enough for 11 adults and 8 kids, so we had dinner in the parks recreation room. There is a lovely fieldstone fireplace (as can you see behind the kids) and I configured the tables so we all sat together; not kids at one and adults at another. My cousin Eddie and I didn't like having to sit elsewhere while everybody was at the big table laughing and joking. The rest of the festivities were here at home!

Stop on back as pages 2 & 3 will be added in a day or so!