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Welcome to My Journal

I am a 33-year-old mother of two kids, ages six and three. All my life, I have felt like my weight was on a slow upward spiral. In high school, I really wasn't overweight, but I felt like I was. I was always on a diet, and after each one, I'd end up a pound or two heavier. This cycle continued into my early twenties, when I stopped dieting altogether, realizing it was doing more harm than good. After the birth of my first child, I felt happier with my body than I ever have. At that time, my weight hovered around 145, I think.

But then my husband and I started our own at-home business and as the stress in our home escalated, so did my weight. Just before my daughter was born, I tipped the scales at 198 pounds. After she was born, I still weighed 188, and the weight dropped slowly but steadily that year. Without really thinking about it, I started gaining weight every fall (10-15 pounds) and losing in every summer. This seems to be a natural cycle with me. Now my weight was hovering around 170.

In March 1997, I joined a gym and started on the path to real fitness. A year later, after losing and gaining the same 15 pounds without really thinking about it, I decided it was time to try a diet again. I found Gail's Weight Loss Page on March 2, 1998, and haven't looked back. That day, I weighed 167 pounds. As of today (September 1, 1998), I have lost 32 pounds and have only 5 to go. The real challenge still lies ahead . . . can I lose those last pounds, and keep them off through the fall and then the holidays?

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July 1998 Journal
August 1998 Journal
September 1998 Journal

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