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Bellehound Basenjis & Thai Ridgebacks

Introducing all of my Dogs

[Puppies1 photo]
Charlie, Kaytee & Bart

Pictured above are my three Basenjis, National Ch Bellehound's Cigar Charlie, JC "Charlie" (who's a female), International Ch Quad K's Special K, CGC, JC, LCM "Kaytee" (Charlie and Bart's mom) and International Ch Bellehound's Foolish Heart, JC "Bart" Charlie passed over the Rainbow Bridge November 2008, she was another late casualty of the tainted dog food recall. Kaytee passed away due to complications from congestive heart failure June of 2009.
[Kayteebc photo]
Bart, Kaytee & Charlie

This photo is the photo I used for my advertisement in the Basenji Club of America's breeders directory. As you can tell Bart, Kaytee and Charlie are trying their best, to look respectable. I can't begin to tell you how exhausting this photo shoot was. I don't know who was more exhausted my Photographer, Maria Philpot, the Basenjis or Me. I still think that Maria is a saint for wanting to photograph Basenjis (she stated that they are easier than children), surely my Basenjis must have been on their best behavior then. Basenjis are definately a unique and quizicle breed, not for everyone. I try hard to educate people on my breed choices of dogs. I want to discourage the average dog owner, because I know that over half of all pure breed dogs wind up in rescues or shelters. If you are interested in this breed or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Remember there are no stupid questions, except for those that are not asked.
[Kelley Belle photo]
Kelley Belle Lion of Combs, CGC "Kelley"

[Me & Kelley photo]
Kelley and Me "Cathy"

[Kelley Belle photo]
Kelley the Cadaver Dog

Kelley is my 14 year old, spayed, ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback. She was my first BIG DOG (although she's the minimum standard) of the breed. She's a fine tuned instrument, truly a dog of character. She's excelled in obedience "fun matches," I retired her when she recieved her 1st place in Novice Obedience. We decided that we'd had enough of the show ring. With the basics of obedience conquered, we moved into the field. She's proof that you can teach and old dog new tricks. At the age of three and a half we started training for Search work. As a K9 team we specialize in Cadaver Recovery; to date Kelley has proved her weight in gold not only for her finds, but her excellence in the field. She's proved that Hounds are just as good in search work as the German Shepherd. We volunteer our time to help bring closure to families of victims. For more information regarding Kelley's Work and accopmlishments, please follow the link to Kelley's story. Kelley passed over the Rainbow Bridge November 11, 2007 on Veteran's Day.
[Bruiser photo]
Bellehound Scrawny Tawny Lion, JC "Bruiser"

Bruiser was rescued him from a Kill Shelter December 5, 2000. Just one day shy of being destroyed due to over crowding. He's now six years old, and he's the first Thai Ridgeback Service Dog in America as well as the World. Bruiser is ridgeless Thai Ridgeback, (like Kelley my Rhodesian Ridgeback, 10% of all ridgebacks are born with out the signature ridge). Bruiser is very intelligent, loyal and a great guard dog. Bruiser has recieved a certificate of nomination for the 2005 & 2006 AKC ACE Excellence Award, he saved me from a rattlesnake October 2004. Bruiser made AKC History by being the very first Thai Ridgeback to earn a Junior Coursing Title in April 2009. He is a history maker all the way around he is my Service Dog, the first for his breed in America and the World and you can see him and Mooshu on Animal Planet's, Dogs 101, Rare Breeds.
[Angel Puppy photo]
International CH Bellehound's Christmas Angel, JC "Angel"

The picture above is Angel at three weeks of age. Angel was born on December 11, 2000. She's the daughter of National Ch Bellehound's Cigar Charlie, JC and Ch Akuba Candu High Stakes "BB"
[Charlie & Angel photo]
Charlie & her little Angel

The picture above is Charlie and her daughter Angel catching some rays.
[Jack inda Box]
Safe at Home

I rescued Bellehound's Jack inda Box "Jack" in September 2002 while I was California. He was about to get hit by a Uhaul truck when I drove out infront of the truck and swooped him up and onto the floor boards of my rental car. He's named for being found in front of a Jack in the Box restaraunt down by the LAX International Airport. Jack was only five weeks old when I found him, due to lack of nutritents at such and early age, he has lost his hearing and is now deaf.
[Mulan photo]
Taking in the View

Mulan is a five year old Black Thai Ridgeback that has come along way since she first came to Ohio. She's one of the finest black dogs I've ever seen. She as well as Raba (not yet pictured) are excelling in the field of Search and Recovery work.
[Mooshu Group II Winner]
Group II Winner

Mooshu is a five year old Thai Ridgeback, she's Mulan's little sister. In this photo she took a Group II Placement at the Lousville Rare breed show back in February 2003. In April 2005 Mooshu became an International Champion. Mooshu's a great dog to show and she's my very first owner/handled Champion!
[Puppies Grazing photo]
Mooshu & Mulan Grazing

Mooshu and Mulan at three months of age. This photo was taken when they first arrived in Ohio September 2002. Notice they're enjoying the fresh green grass. The land of Bellehound has had BIG DOG attitude since 1993. Basenjis may be what some people call small, but anyone who's had the pleasure to know them, knows that they are a True Survivor! Two of my breeds of Hounds originated in Africa. The Basenji has outwitted, outsmarted and has survived since antiquity. Rhodesians were used to track Lion and other big game, as well as guard their humans against some of Africa's wildest of animals. Thai Ridgebacks were originally used to hunt Cobras in Thailand, as well as being loyal guard dogs. Thai's as well as my Hounds from Africa have survived for centuries in the roughest of climates. These breeds of dogs are great family pets for those of us that prefer a challenge. They're all stubborn and hard to train, they are definately not Goldens. Keep that in mind if you want a high scoring obedience dog, these breeds are not for you. However, considering what they were used for and how long they've survived as hunters, they definately have BIG DOG ATTITUDE!
[Kelley Relaxing photo]
Kelley Relaxing

Please come back and visit soon!
[Kaytee & Angel photo]
Kaytee & her little Grandpuppy Angel

© Copyright 1993-2011
Land of Bellehound
All Rights Reserved Notice: Copyright to all photographs displayed on this site are owned by the photographer (even the links to Pictures of my Thai Ridgebacks & Photo Album/Pictures of My Canines). You may not sell, publish, license or otherwise distribute any of these photographs without the written permission of the photographer.

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Other Animal Related Sites

Basenji Club of Cincinnati
Basenji Club of America
The American Kennel Club
Kelley's Story
Land of Bellehound
Association of Thai Ridgeback Owners & Fanciers
Photo Album/Pictures of My Canines
Pictures of My Thai Ridgeback's
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of U.S.
Dog Owners Guide
Terry & Mortz's Web Site
Dog Advisors
Purina... Chosen by Champions
HiCotn Original Dog Designs
Soi Dog Rescue
CCK9s New Leash on Life
