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My Wonderful Father

Robert Joseph Renish

My Favorite Links

Christ The Lord Has Risen Today -m Music & Lyrics
$$$ Major MONEY Maker $$$
Rae's Family - Family Memories
Dark Shadows-In Loving Memory of Ralph
She Walks In Beauty
Sci-fi and Childhood
Ralph-My Big Brother
Taxi For Ray
Truly Thankful
For Loves Sake
My Children-My Life

This Page Is Dedicated To The Worlds GREATEST Father-Robert Joseph Renish!!!

I've placed this award logo on the top of this

page in honor of my father who, in my eyes,

will always be deserving of the Father of the

Year award! I have very few memories of my father

as he 'fell asleep' 2 weeks before my 10th

birthday. I remember he was a wonderful man

who loved all his children equally. He also

loved his wife, my mother, (others may not

think so, but they're wrong). He did his level

best to support his family while he was here.

I will always be forever thankful that God

blessed me with such a loving, caring man as

my father. I love you, Daddy, and I will see

you later!
