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Welcome....sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Hello everyone!! Thanks for stopping by! If you've been here before you'll probably see that i have finally gotten around to updating my homepage. i'll probably be fairly slow in the updating phase but if you're patient you shall be rewarded! Last updated 4-25-00! I hope you enjoy your time here and be sure and tell me about it by signing my guestbook before you leave! If you have any suggestions i would love to hear about them! Thanks!:-)

Well i guess i will start by telling you a little bit about me. My name is Kathleen. I am from Kent, Ohio and am currently attending Kent State University. I am majoring in Radio/TV Production. I will be a senior this year and I only have two weeks of classes left and then i am free! Boy can i not wait to get out!! I am on the computer a lot because one of my jobs during the school year is working in a computer lab so i get to surf all the time! I also have AOL IM at work and home and i'm ksbabe8. Come find me and we'll chat!

Another one of my favorites in movies! I absolutely love them!! I used to work at a movie theatre and it was my all time favorite job! I try to see movies when they come out and are in the theatre still but because of how expensive they are anymore!! YIKES! And the fact that they make movies faster than i can see them all, i have to settle for renting them every now and then. I would have to say my fav actor is def Nicolas Cage and my fav actress is Meg Ryan! My fav movie of all time..thats a tough one theres been so many good ones! But i would have to say When a Man Loves a Woman. I still cry like crazy everytime i see it!! Although City of Angels is coming in close as well. If you have a movie with my two favorites in it how can you lose??!! And of course who can forget Austin Powers?! I just love him and i think the second movie was even better than the first! Anyone agree with me?

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To navigate my homepage i have made it to where you have two choices. You can either use the arrows which are placed at the bottom of each page or use can use the table down below and then the home button also on the bottom of the pages to return. If you have any problems with any of the links within this page please let me know and i'll get right on it to fix it! Either way I hope you enjoy your trip and be sure to stop back again soon!! Thanks:-)
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