
Welcomes You

[little lisa with yellow hair]            Next

Hi! whitedove
Welcome back!

It looks like you made it here okay!


. . . . . . . . here, kitty, kitty . . . . . . .

I don't have Windows at home. [ *yuk ]

I don't either!

Do you think the elephant will remember that I kicked him off this page?

What elephant? *looking under the coffee-table, under the couch, behind the doors, behind the TV, in the clothes closet*

. . . . here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty . . . . . .

Pix are great! [ neko kitten ]

The kitty can stay. . . . for now. . .

. . . . . . . .OH! there you are!
cmere and sit on my lap...
prrrrrrr . . . . . . .

lazybonz, huh? hmmmm....... !
shudda used the TEASE tags, eh?

There are tease tags?.....where?   *looking both ways*
I don't see any!!!

...sorry Bart...out you go....

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updated March 22, 2000
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