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What Are Different Forms Of Air Pollution?

Another form of air pollution is acid rain. It is when sulfur dioxide emissions from electric power plants combine with particles of water in the air. They fall down to the ground as acid rain or snow. This is measured by the pH scale. It can damage buildings and monuments. There have been many deaths of trees that scientists think is caused by acid rain.

Smog has seriously affected more persons than any other type of air pollution. It can be loosely defined as a multisource, widespread air pollution that occurs in the air of cities. Smog has been caused throughout recorded history by water condensing on smoke, usually from burning coal. The infamous London fogs--about 4,000 deaths were attributed to the severe fog of 1952--were smog of this type. Another type, ice fog, occurs only at high latitudes and extremely low temperatures and is a combination of smoke particles and ice crystals.

Another form of air pollution comes from a variety of chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons, also know as CFCs. These chemicals are used for many industrial purposes, ranging from solvents used to clean computer chips to the refrigerant gases found in air conditioners and ice boxes. CFCs combine with other molecules in the Earth's upper atmospheres and then, by attaching themselves to molecules of ozone, transform and destroy the protective ozone layer. The result has been a sharp decline in the amount of ozone in the stratosphere. Ozone is a threat to our lungs, but in the upper atmosphere ozone works as a shield to protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

What Is Air Pollution
What Causes Air Pollution?
Should We Care?
What Is The pH Scale?
Does Air Pollution Affect You?
Who Is Trying To Stop Air Pollution?
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Will It Affect Us In The Future?
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