August 12, 1997--"Trompe L'Oeil"


August 12, 1997

At the hotel, Wes told Punk and Miss Ellie the full story about how he'd been rescued from the crash and brought to a French missionary hospital. Severely burned, they used the latest bionics technology to make him better, stronger, faster than ever before! Sorry. They gave him all new skin, an all-new voice, and he'd lost his memory. Now, his memory just comes and goes, but yes deep, deep down inside he's still the same Jock Ewing. He recounted conversations to Punk that they'd had which only Jock could've known. Miss Ellie and Punk gathered the family together to tell them about Wes's claims. While the family was skeptical at first, thinking he was playing some elaborate joke or con, J.R. and Bobby began to have second thoughts when he told them about their camping trip to, yes, Takapa, and about how he nearly died.

Sue Ellen launched her Valentine Girl ad campaign, with slutty pictures of Mandy Winger (much akin to the slutty pictures which we've been seeing on the newsgroup thanks to a certain somebody whose name won't be mentioned named Mark Johnson) all over every newspaper in Dallas, disgusting J.R. He demanded that she stop, and she agreed--she'd stop when Sue Ellen moved out of Southfork and J.R. declared her love for her. Needless to say, Sue Ellen is very pleased with herself.

Jack received a visitor while lounging at the pool--his ex-wife, the lovely April Stevens (new regular alert!). She congratulated him on getting ahold of 10% of Ewing Oil, and told him that he should've stuck around long enough for the divorce proceedings, seeing as how the judge granted her 50% of his earning for the next five years.

While Bobby began buying out smaller independent oil companies, J.R. met with B.D. Calhoun, a fanatical mercernary whom he wants to hire to send some troops into Saudi Arabia and blow up some of their major fields. Calhoun seemed to accept...for the right price, of course.