August 11, 1997--"Enigma"


August 11, 1997

Miss Ellie was outraged by Wes's claim that he is, in fact, Jock Ewing. The fact that he looks and sounds nothing like him was probably a good reason, but then, Clayton didn't bat an eyelash when his wife regenerated two seasons ago. "Get off my laaaand," she demanded, and he did so, moving into a hotel, where washed the grey dye out of his hair, which gave him an eerie resemblance to none other than Ben Stivers. He then met with Ray, who wanted to know why he left Southfork. Wes told him to ask Miss Ellie, but she didn't want to talk about it. Miss Ellie then went to Punk and told him about Wes's wild claims. The two then went to the hotel, where Wes was overjoyed to see Miss Ellie and his old best friend, casting some doubt into their mind when he said he hadn't seen Punk since they were together on the helicopter in Colombia, something ONLY the real Jock would know.

Clayton left town to close down his refineries in Houston.

Mandy auditioned to be the Valentine Girl, which very much pleased Sue Ellen.

In Washington, D.C., Donna called home to talk to Ray, but got Jenna instead, who was invited, with Charlie in Charge, to dinner. Donna left a message that she called and hung up, obviously very disturbed that Ray, who had already been guilty of rolling in the hay with his teenage niece Lucy, has now taken up with the even younger Charlie. Okay, so he's really hooking up with Jenna, but is that really any better?

Good, ethical brother Bobby came to J.R. with the perfect idea how to rebound from their financial problems--buy out the smaller independents, an idea which J.R. liked. They attempted to take out a hefty loan from the bank, which as usual, said they probably couldn't accomodate. As usual, J.R. and Bobby stormed out, raving about long their daddy had been doing business with that bank, and they would take their business elsewhere if they couldn't have their way. The bank eventually agreed, on the one condition that J.R. and Bobby put up one-half of Ewing Oil as security. J.R. and Bobby have yet to decide whether to grab at the offer.

Cliff needed $2 million more than he could afford to enter into a deal with Jordan Lee, so he went to Pam for the money. She has yet to decide whether or not to loan Cliff the money, of which she has plenty because she's never working anyway.

J.R. received a videotape of the PBS special which never was, showing footage of the mass havoc and destruction left behind by B.D. Calhoun in the Middle East when he charged in to rescue the hostages. J.R. was quite happy, and has arranged a very secret meeting with Calhoun to discuss how to severely hurt Saudi Arabia's oil industry...