August 8, 1997--"Once and Future King"

"Once and Future King"

August 8, 1997

Sue Ellen decided to launch a new look for Valentine's lingerie line--trash with class--and wants to have a "Valentine Girl" to personify the image, to be a sex symbol and a sex object. And funny enough, she's already spotted the perfect model--Mandy Winger. Although if you ask me, she only fills half of the "trash with class" bill, and it AIN'T the class part. J.R. had Harry McSween turn the tables on Sue Ellen's private investigator, who revealed that he was hired to keep tabs on him and Mandy. J.R. warned him that if he caught him following them again, he wouldn't have legs with which to follow them.

Pam stopped by to offer Jenna an olive branch, and Jenna wouldn't accept it. Also, Charlie has become quite the juvenile delinquint, having taken up with a biker, which has Jenna concerned. Donna left on her mission to win over the government in Washington, D.C. Before she left, Ray stopped by to tell her that if she really still wanted to be his wife, she could forget about her career and Washington, and come home and make him some apple pie and darn his socks, which Jenna has practically been doing for him lately. Donna told him that he wanted her to let the world go by, and she couldn't do that. And with that, they went their separate ways.

J.R. arranged a meeting with B.D. Calhoun, a man who may be able to rectify the Saudi Arabia problem.

Jack agreed to sell his share of Ewing Oil to Cliff for a healthy price, which infuriated Jamie. For a while, Jack was part of something, and now that money was just going to burn a whole in his pocket. (Like he was playing a real active role in Ewing Oil anyway.) Cliff asked her why she could never support him. "What about me? What about me?!" he asked. Jamie said all he ALWAYS about "me" and NEVER about "we", and maybe there just shouldn't be an "us", a prospect which Cliff didn't seem to mind.

The wife of the man who blew up the oil well came to Bobby and pleaded with him to visit her husband, who'd turned himself in for the sabotage. He did it while he was drunk and was angry about having been laid off by Ewing Oil. Bobby was reluctant, but Pam persuaded him to go. But they arrived just moments too late. He had hanged himself in his jail cell.

Miss Ellie felt that she had met Wes somewhere before. Later on, while looking for Clayton, she stopped into Wes's house, and was shocked to find Jock's knife, belt buckle, and letters in his possession. When Wes found her snooping, she demanded to know what he was doing with Jock's things. Wes stated that they were his...always have been, always will be. Miss Ellie's jaw dropped in horror as she realized his meaning...