September 12, 1997--"Fall of the House of Ewing"


September 12, 1997

It was a sad day for the house of Ewing, as the title indicates. J.R. learned that his would-be confidant was actually a spy for the government and turned the tables on him. J.R., Bobby, and Harve Smithfield met with representatives from the Justice Department who said that Ewing Oil could continue operations, but not under the name Ewing Oil, in the Ewing Oil building, or with J.R. and Bobby's names on their doors. Thus, everything was moved out just as J.R. learned to his horror that the real estate company that had taken control over Ewing Oil was a subsidiary of Weststar Oil, thus making Jeremy Wendell its new owner.

Jenna named her bouncing baby boy after her father, Lucas Wade. Ray came to visit, and Jenna nicely asked him why the frap he was stupid enough to make that dumb comment about Bobby being the natural father. Jenna explained that the real father was the one who raised and loved the child. And they sealed that "Full House" moment with a kiss.

Donna pleaded with Andrew once again to save Bobby. He said there was nothing he could do. Donna conceded (again) that she wants to see J.R. be put away for a hundred years, but not Bobby. Andrew tenderly told her that that was why he loved her.

Sue Ellen told Mandy to take a hike. Mandy said she really wanted to stay. After all, Valentine Lingerie gave her everything she had. Sue Ellen bluntly told Mandy that she knew she was after J.R. again. Mandy agreed to leave Dallas, but she would take J.R. with her. Sue Ellen told Mandy she realized that it wasn't J.R. who needed Mandy. It was Mandy who needed J.R. And with that, Mandy stormed out.

Miss Ellie learned that Clayton was had some bad arterial blockage and was in danger of having a heart attack, and has become committed to keeping him nice and relaxed.

Christopher came into Bobby and Pam's room and told them that he knew he was adopted. They explained to him that his birth mother was dead, but for all intents and purposes, they were his *real* parents, because they loved him so much. After all, the real parents were the ones who raised him and loved him.

Pam was overjoyed to learn that due to new advances in medicine, she could overcome her genetic problem which halted her ability to have children. She drove home excitedly in Bobby's car (since hers was having problems) and told him the exciting news over the car phone. She was SO excited she didn't happen to notice gas tanker drive out into an intersection in front of her. By the time she realized her peril, it was too late, and she was blown to kingdom come in a fiery inferno...