August 25, 1997--"So Shall Ye Reap"


August 25, 1997

Garrett Gordon turned up dead in J.R.'s office, thanks to Mr. B.D. Calhoun, who told J.R. to be looking over his shoulder, because one day...he'd be there. J.R. covered up the murder with help from Sly's "Uncle Harry" (the newspapers claimed the body was found in an alley). Calhoun also met up with Sue Ellen at the Oil Barons' Club claiming to be Peter Duncan, an old friend of J.R.'s.

Jenna handed Bobby the check for the boutique, cutting her ties with him forever more. Bobby told her there was a snowball's chance in hell of her keeping that baby away from him.

Donna moved out of Southfork and revealed to Ray that she was thinking of moving out to Washington, D.C. Ray went to see his attourney, Paul Morgan, and told him to get working on finding a way to help him control custody of Donna's unborn baby.

Pam found out that Cliff lost $13 million of her money on his failed deal with Jordan Lee and was never going to tell her. He claimed he had some miracle deal in the process, but was lying, of course. Pam told him if he didn't have the money paid back to her by the end of the week, no more money, which has Cliff very worried.

Clayton met with Mancuso, F.B.I., the man who administered Wes Parmalee the lie detector test. Clayton wanted to know how a liar passed the test. Mancuso said that either Parmalee was a pathological liar or (as Miss Ellie suggested) he used self-hypnosis to make himself think he was Jock. Clayton didn't buy it.