August 20, 1997--"Something Old and New"


August 21, 1997

(Many thanks to "Dr. Noe" for providing the bulk of this summary!)

Ozwald Valentine told Sue Ellen that a major corporation offered to buy out Valentine Lingerie, but Sue Ellen didn't care. The company wasn't for sale. In fact, she was thinking of expanding. She also learned that Valentine knew who she really was the whole time.

Donna met with Senator Andrew Dowling in Washington, D.C., who wasn't very sympathetic to her cause, but she has no plans of giving up.

Cliff solved his problem with the EPA thanks to Jamie's advice. He thanked her over lunch and presented her with the annullment papers. Jamie then whipped out some papers of her own--a bill for $2 million for her help. She told him if he didn't sign, they could fight it out in court. Cliff reluctantly signed on the dotted line.

Ellie confided with Pam how she feels everyone is against her over Wes Parmalee, and admits to having some attraction to him.

J.R. prepared to move Ewing Oil assets into his shell corporations, asking Sly to be president of one of them. TV news reported on "an aborted attack" on one of the major Saudi Arabian oil fields, first reports indicating that all the attackers were killed. Down in South America, Bobby showed around pictures of Parmalee. April tried to put the moves on Wes at a bar, feigning total ignorance of who he is, or at least claims to be. She listened to his whole sad story, and tried to seduce him. Wes refused to succumb to her formidable charms, telling April there's someone he's in love with, and that love makes you do some strange things, especially in the winter years of life. After he left, April immediately phoned J.R. to inform him of Wes' apparent sincerity, news that displeased both of them.

Ellie reminisced about Jock until a look of resolve came over her face. The next morning, she goes to see Clayton, who angrily tells her how jealous, hurt, and worried he is. Ellie tells him that if Wes really is Jock, then what he's been through has turned him into someone she no longer knows. The past is the past, and Clayton need fear ghosts no more.

At the Southfork Bar-B-Q, April presented Jack with a court order declaring their divorce settlement valid in Texas, entitling her to half of all his income. Jack presented her with a piece of paper: the bill of sale for his 10% of Ewing Oil. Keeping to the letter of his agreement with Cliff, Jack has sold it to a Barnes, his sister (and for the moment Cliff's wife) Jamie, for the sum of one dollar. Jack gave April all of the 50 cents she has coming. Hearing this, Cliff made a beeline to Jamie, hoping to get his hands on that share of Ewing Oil. Parmalee showed up and was reproached by Ray for causing so much hurt to so many people, but Wes is intent on seeing Miss Ellie. Cliff tries to patch things up with Jamie, who sees right through him. Cliff taunts J.R. about how his new daddy is going to sell Ewing Oil to Westar, receiving a hard right jab from J.R. in return.

A major brawl is forestalled by the arrival of a helicopter, returning Bobby from South America. Bobby asked Punk Anderson if he remembers a man named Wyatt Hanes, one of their original group that went into the South American jungles. Punk confirmed that Wyatt was present when Jock had a fever and became delirious, rambling on about his life, his family, Southfork, and Ewing Oil. Bobby declared, "I know who Wes Parmalee really is. Where's momma?" She's in the house, says Ray, with Parmalee. They inform Ellie that Wes is not Jock, and she replied that she already knew, "he told me himself." Parmalee left the ranch while the fight was going on, so they can't catch up with him. Clayton won't let the issue drop, and vows, "Maybe not today, but one day he's going to pay for what he did to my family!"