August 18, 1997--"Who's Who at the Oil Barons' Ball"


August 18, 1997

A government agent told J.R. that Calhoun was being watched by higher-ups who were afraid that he could be a danger to national security, and that he'd been spotted talking with Calhoun. J.R. denied any involvement with Calhoun, and the agent warned him that he'd better not be involved with Calhoun, or all of the money and power in the world wouldn't be able to save him.

Sue Ellen and Valentine were visited by Mandy's agent, who revealed that a Hollywood producer named Bruce Harvey has had his eye on Mandy and wants to cast her in his next picture. When Sue Ellen heard that Harvey was a big-time producer of exploitation films, an idea formed. She later met with Harvey and decided that she would release Mandy from her contract to appear in his film on two conditions--1) that it would filmed in Hong Kong; and 2) that it be very artistic, and therefore would take a long time to make.

Cliff became nervous when Marilee told him that Jock's resurrection could break Barnes-Wentworth Oil and the cartel's links with Ewing Oil. Cliff then backed out of his proposal to buy Jack's share in Ewing Oil. Meanwhile, J.R. offered April a hefty sum in exchange for her 5%, as well as money to fund a court battle with Jack for possession of the share, and all of the money she would need to support herself over the trying months to come.

An independent oilman very excited about selling his company was a bit frustrated when J.R. and Bobby couldn't produce the cash, and the oilman revealed that Wendell had also made an offer. The brothers Ewing promised that it wouldn't be long. They also met with a doctor who commented that Parmalee had the same breaks in his ribs as Jock--as well as about 100 other breaks, forcing the doctor to remark that it was amazing that Parmalee was actually alive to begin with... (From "Twin Peaks" to "Dark Shadows"!)

At last, it was time for the annual Oil Barons' Ball, where J.R. was outraged to find Mandy (clad in...well, words cannot describe just how hideous this dress was; I'll put it this way--it made Angelica's outfits look understated) escorted by Bruce Harvey. Cliff came with April, who slipped away to tell J.R. she accepted his offer--and any *other* proposals he might make. Miss Ellie (clad in a white sack dress) was all set to present the Jock Ewing Memorial Scholarship when Wes burst in and commented that there would be no Jock Ewing Memorial Scholarship because Jock Ewing was still alive. (Careful viewers now know that this CANNOT be the real Jock. The real Jock wouldn't have deprived kids of a college education.) The Ewings were outraged, and forced Parmalee to submit to a lie detector test. But Clayton didn't care. He loved Miss Ellie too much to give her up, and threatened to kill Wes if he had to...