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EmBaRaSsInG mOmEnTs!!!!!

LinkExchange Member
Go to the good stuff!

Tell us your most embarassing moment and we'll rate it, using *'s, from * (mildly embarassing) to ***** (the most embarassing thing that could happen). Fill out this form to send it in:


 I was in the Saint Patrick's Day parade in my home town of Columbus,
 Ohio.  We (the other Irish dancers and I) were travelling around town,
 on our float, and we were all shouting out "Happy Saint Patrick's Day!"
 and "May the Luck of the Irish Be With You!".  Anyway, we were all
 shouting this stuff out, and I say, "One, Two, Three, Happy Saint
 Patrick's Day!!" and only one other girl said it with me!  Everyone in
 the street and walking with the float was looking at me!  I was soooo
