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"Kathy's Little Acre"

Hi!! My name is Kathy and if you can't tell, I am into Angels. I have dedicated my little acre of the net to Angels, both celestial and in human form.

My first page has a bit of info about me and a poem written by Dennis Borton. There are a lot of links for you to follow, if you are like me and like to surf the net. I belong to a web circle called the Angel circle, with links to many Angel pages. Most importantly please watch the missing childrens link at the bottom, to see if you may recognize any of the missing children shown there.
Since I have been interested in making web pages, I have made a very special friend named Rose. She knows more about web page making than anyone else I know. She also has Lupus. I wanted to know more about Lupus and went in search of information. For a school project, I made a page or two on Lupus and have also added to my pages. If you have a friend or family member with Lupus or just curious to know more, click on my link to the Lupus page. There, you can also send for more information.
I, like most of you out there, have come to love the internet. I have made many friends here. I know that people who don't have computers just don't understand,but I bet you do!!
My second page is a Dedication Page for the Angels who have gone before us. "It is free" so if you have someone you would like to add to this page, E-mail me with a photo, D.O.B./ D.O.D and a small description of what you would like to have displayed. If you don't have a photo, I will substitute an Angel gif. It's just a place to put your Angel on, so you can come and visit. Please pass my page on to other folks, so they can add their Angels too!

Angels Tears
by Dennis E. Borton
As I stand here in the rain, .
feeling the tears,
from heaven, fall on me..
Watching the tears run down my
Letting my soul be cleansed.
The tears are from heaven...

The Angels are crying.
They cry for us here on earth,
as they watch us from above.
Whether they are tears of joy,
or tears of pity for mankind...

The tears are flowing over me.
Letting me feel closer to them.
So here I stand in their tears,
Letting their tears touch my soul.
As the rain gently falls on me,

I know that there are Angels.
Their tears prove this to me.
So I wish in time, to be an Angel..
So my tears will someday,
be like the rain.

The Lupus Page
The Dedication page 

Things I Like:

Collecting Angels of all sorts
WWII buff
My children!!! :-)
Eating out..
Surfing the net, following links!
Talking to Bubba, Jill, Steph, Coop, Beau, Rockenr, Rose, Cornie and all my other cyber buddies!
Computers - When they don't piss me off!

My Favorite Links

[Brother Keith's Place] [Rose's very nice page] [Coop's Kewl Message Center]
[Daughter Melissa's Page] [ Daughter Emily's Page] [Jill's "Usborne Books for Children"] [] [Poetry by Mary & Dennis] [~A beautiful poem about the littlest Angels~]
[Steph's Page] [Beau's page] [Angel's heaven page] [Connies Page]

"Please keep an eye open for these missing Angels, they need our help"

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!
Children Are Worth Saving Web Site
Adopted October 25, 1998

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