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Hi, my name is Vicki Blazick and I'm from Akron, Ohio. I am married and the mother of three sons and have four grandaughters.

I love the outdoors, gardening (especially flowers) and I am crazy about CATS.

You can check out a wide variety of gorgeous cats and kittens by just clicking on the CATS Page 1 Button below. If you love Cats and Kittens, you have come to the right place. Please visit this page often because there will always be new pictures of cats added for your viewing pleasure. Thanks...

My Twin Granddaughters


Pewter - Our new Kitty

"EMO" My Cockatiel

Spencer- Our New Pup

Brutus my old dog

Beatles Songs in Real Audio (added 2-15-99)
Vicki's Flower Garden
Click on the flower buttons....
PINK FLOYD : Lots of Floyd">

Imagine (Video): John Lennon

Dream (Video) : John Lennon

Jealous Guy (Video) : John Lennon

Woman (Video) : John Lennon

Click here to see a picture of me

New Pictures Of The Twins

  1. My Favorite Things...
    Rock n RollFlowers
    Summertime Hiking in Cuyahoga Valley
    Bicycling Web Surfing
    Watercolors and drawingMy Cat "BUZZ
    Going to the Movies Visiting Personal Pages


    Check out the scenery where I like to bike and hike
    My Favorite Bands...

    Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

    Blazeman's Music Page

    Blue Mountain E-Cards

    NASA and Jet Propulsion Labs

    Art Bell (Loads of neat stuff)

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