*** Trucking Couple***
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*** Trucking Couple***

Big Truck that is !


Hi I am Chainlink and this is my wife Snowwolf, We drive truck. So here on my cyber Highway I think I will try to bring you an Idea of just what trucking is all about.

Now we all know it's not all that. But we all wish it were that way. If it were we would all be truck drivers. But it is a long day and sometimes nights of endless highway. Going places you may never go but once, and sometimes getting there is the fun part. You fight traffic for two days getting to the city that you have to deliver the load at. All the while fighting traffic and freezing weather, ice, black ice, rain, and snow; sometimes driving 20 miles per hour because the weathers so bad. 15,000 miles from home, you 'r sick and wish you were home in bed. You have to be out in the freezing cold fueling your truck. Then you have to unload 2,500 cases of 50 lb. boxes for that measly $40.00 for the five hours that it takes you to do it. The guy at the tow motor saying he can't help because he's the boss and has other jobs to do or he has a bad back. They have to be stacked the way they want them "or you'll be here all night" they say. All that after two days of driving to get there. For all this you can get called any names by the person that just cut you off to get on an off-ramp 100 feet away, you stop just in time from smashing into there car with kids in the back seat diving for the floor!! Then you have the car that you just saved from getting a ticket when it was about to pass a cop up the road 1/2 a mile that you know is there and the car doesn't .For this you get the good ole middle finger. You think that kind of life is grand??? Then your done and your ready for some good eating. Today you made $70.00 for your work, $12.00 goes for dinner, $10.00 for lunch, $7.00 for that shower before dinner, and $5.00 for the clothes you had worn to be washed. You usually sleep in the truck , so you 'r trying to sleep with the truck running, keeping you awake. You wake up bright and early, first thing you know its time to pre-trip and get on the road. You pull out on the road just to turn on the CB radio to hear two people talking about how no good truck drivers are. There doing this while eating the food you delivered to there town just yesterday. But you set back and thank GOD you have this job to put food in your kids mouths. Even if they only see you once every ten days. Your always happy for that time you get to spend at home. Then you think about that guy you just heard on the CB talking about how "why can't just get a factory job." Then you sit and think about how would that person get the food, clothes, cars, TV’s, and the food on his table; not to mention that the truck drivers bring and take things to other factories for him to have a job also.

Flashing lites and Neon signs,

CB Radios and Truck Stops, and Fun. Thats the way it is on the Highway Run.

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