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VANCOUVER'S RACIST BY-LAW #6066 FORCED MANY VETERAN INDO-CANADIAN CAB DRIVERS OUT OF WORK ! WE URGE EVERYONE, PLEASE PROTECT US FROM THESE CLEVER CAUCASIAN ENTREPRENEURS WHO SUDDENLY COME UP WITH A VERY CONVENIENT EDUCATION SCHEME & FORCING CAB DRIVERS TO WRITE A TEST IN ORDER TO MAKE HUGE MONEY. BELIEVE US, IT'S JUST A "SCAM" TO MAKE MONEY. CITY'S STUPID BY-LAW # 6066 IS A MANDATORY THREE PART COURSE WHICH COST OVER $ 175 AND TAKES ABOUT 36 HRS.TO COMPLETE. IT INVOLVES INSTRUCTION IN DEFENSIVE DRIVING, LOCALGEOGRAPHY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. BUT WE WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT MOST OF THE DRIVERS HAVE ALREADY GONE THROUGH THE TAXI COMPANY'S TEST, THE VANCOUVER POLICE'S LOCAL GEOGRAPHY TEST WITH FINGER PRINTS AND THE AIRPORT'S TWO HOURS INTENSIVE TEST WHICH INCLUDES LOCAL GEOG.IQ AND ENGLISH. WE HAVE ALSO PASS THE SUPERHOST CERTIFICATE TEST(CUSTOMER SERVICE) OFFERED BY VANCOUVER TOURISM.AND GOING THROUGH ALL OF THESE TESTS WE SPENT OUR MONEY AND TIME.MOREOVER, WHEN WE GOT CLASS LICENCE FROM MOTOR VIHECLE DEPT. THEY NEVER ISSUE LICENCE IF WE ARE NOT SAFE DRIVERS. IF AFTER ALL THIS, WE STILL NEED TO TAKE 36 HRS. OF TRAINING, WHAT IS THE SENSE OF ALL THESE TESTS ? CITY CLAIMS MAJORITY OF THE DRIVERS COMPLY WITH THE TESTS. BUT IT'S NOT TRUE. ACTUALLY THE CITY CONSPIRATED WITH SOME TRAITORS BY OFFERING THEM A CERTIFICATE UNDER GRANDPARENT CLAUSE WHERE THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WRITE ANY EXAMS. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WE DO HAVE SOME "ROTTEN APPLES" IN EVERY FIELD. HOWEVER, IF THERE ARE COMPLAINTS AGAINST SOME DRIVERS, THE CITY SHOULD HANDLE THOSE SEPARATELY INSTEAD OF BUNCHING EVERYONE TOGETHER AND GIVING ALL CAB DRIVERS A BAD NAME. WE DO HAVE DRIVERS WHO PASSED ALL THE PREVIOUS TEST AND THEY WERE DRIVING CABS FROM THE LAST 20 TO 30 YEARS, NO ACCIDENT,NO COMPLAINT WHAT SO EVER AND THE CITY TOOK THEIR LICENCES. WHY ? WE DO HAVE MANY DRIVERS, WHOSE EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION ARE MUCH HIGHER THEN THE PEOPLE WORKING IN THE CITY HALL. THE ONLY PROBLEM WE SEE IS " BROWN SKIN". ROBOTS ARE OBEDIENT..../..... REBEL ARE DANGEROUS. THANKS AGAIN : VANCOUVER CABBIES(WE ARE HUMANS TOO) _______________________________________________________________ I' D LIKE TO TELL YOU A STORY ABOUT HUMANITY..... The story is that there was a magician.He lives deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they used to run away from the magician's place, and it was a difficult job to find them in the vast forest. Being a magician, he used magic. He hypnotized all the sheep and told different sheeo....to some, "You are a man,you need not be afraid.It is only the sheep who are going to be killed and eaten, not you.You are a man just like I am. Some other sheep were told, "You are a lion---only sheep are afraid.They escape, they are cowards. You are a lion: you would prefer to die than run away You don' t belong to these sheep.So when they are killed it is not your problem. They are meant to be killed, but you are the most loved of my friends in this forest. In this way he told every sheep different stories, and from the second day, the sheep stopped running away from the house. They still saw other sheep being killed, butchered, but it was not their concern.Somebody was a lion, somebody was a tiger, somebody was a man, and so on. Nobody was a sheep except the one who was being killed. This way, without keeping servants, he managed thousands of sheep.They would go into forest for their food, for their water, and they would come back home, believing always one thing : "It is some sheep who is going to killed, not you. You don't belong to this mob. You are a lion..respected, honoured, a friend of the great magician." The problems of magician were solved. PLEASE DON'T ALWAYS ACCEPT WHAT'S BEING TOLD. LOOK ALL AROUND & SEE WHETHER THINGS TOLD, BEING COINCIDE WITH THE REALITY OR NOT.

Email: rottenmail@rocketmail.com