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stuff about me

Hello. I am Kat. I am 18 years old, I just finished a year of college at Capital University. Next year I am going to go to the University of Akron. (yay...i'm just so excited or something) So this is about the third time I have gotten motivated to just sit down and write about myself. I just felt it was necessary though because all the stuff that was on this page before was pretty damn out dated. I talked about a lot of people that I dont really associate with anymore. I guess I have changed more than I thought, because whenever I wrote about myself last time I thought that lynn and eric were cool...but now they dont like me...or at least last time i checked they whatever...and I was dating gnome then...yeah...that was probly not the best of all ideas. he's a liar and a cheater, but for some reason i just didnt care...he bought me things and treated me pretty good...whatever though because i havent even seen him in a now I am "seeing" sean (or as much of dagorhir knows him "Usal")...I haven't really seen him in a few days but i have decided not to stress it anymore...if he wants to get ahold of me then he can...he knows my tomorrow is the fourth of july and I am gonna go see the fireworks with kristin...kristin is great and I love her to bits...she is my pseudo hippy friend, she, cyndi and heather all graduated a month ago...cyndi is another one of my really good friends...she and kristin and heather all went to firestone with me (heather moved to coventry half way through though, which sucked booty for her) Cyndi is my loud stuborn friend who is 1/8th pig...I havent gotten to see cyn much lately though kuz i have been so busy with work and other shit (mostly sitting around on my ass wanting a car) and she has been pretty hermit like, which is very unlike cyndi...heather is another super cool gal, she kinda disappeared for a while when she was dating mike...but she's back now with a vengeance...I am so happy that I get to see my heather friend again...if i had to make a list of my top five favorite people i think on it would most definitely be cyndi, heather, kristin, jc, and ummmmmmmmmmm well ok so i can only make a top 4 list...well the last person on there is jc. he is one of my alliance friends, even though he is in japan right now...only for a few more days though, YAY, my jc is gonna be home soon...i really love that kid...he means a lot to i figured out who the fifth person on my list is, it would be nate...nate went to school with me at capital and he is the only one that i hung out with the whole year, and he is just a really good guy in general...I need to call him again soon kuz i miss him...He lives in columbus so I really dont get to see him anymore...i refuse to let that get in the way of me keeping in touch with him though...there are two other people from capital that i really dont want to lose track of and that's bobert and jeff...jeff is in a band called the blackwater band, and he is way talented and hot...bobert was really good at listening and i could sit around and just hang out with him for hours and hours just sitting in my room...or sitting outside 8) that was a lot of fun...oooh scottt is online...scottt is gonna come visit me soon and that makes me very happy...he is one one of my online friends...he is from louisianna (oh yeah i am from akron ohio btw) and i have never gotten to meet him, but he visited monkey...monkey is my friend in wisconsin...i have been talking to her for a 4 years or something...maybe more....i dont remember anymore...but she is on my top 5 too...heheh she can kick nate out because she's been there longer...nate's on the top 6 though 8) I got to visit monkey a little more than a year ago on spring break and a little less than a year ago she came and visited me (it was in the middle of august)...monkey knows sooo much about me for only having seen me for about 2 or 3 weeks...rachael klein came with me to visit monkey...she graduated with me from firestone a year ago...she is an awesome gal...when you first meet her you would think of her as a shy person...but after a while you realize that you were very wrong. she is gonna be going to akron next year too, so maybe i'll see her more...she only seems to come out whenever i call her and tell her she has to like last friday at my party. that was fun...angie and gabe were supposed to show up but they never did...angie also went to firestone with me and was supposed to graduate with me but she never ended up graduating. I have been hangin out with angie a lot more lately, there was a period of time where she and i werent really hangin out at all kuz she was dating chris and things were just different between us then...but now that gabe's in the picture we have started to get closer again...gabe is a super kewl guy, i think he is really good for angie, and he wants to get a job with me at chuck e cheese, yeah that's where i work...i have worked there the past two summers and last year on winter break...yeah i guess sean used to work there too...obviously before i did though...I never really thought i would be dating sean ever though...he's really not physically the type of guy i usually go after. He's a big guy, but he's really kewl...he has neat eyes, and he very much likes the lime light...kinda like cyndi. he reminds me of nate a lot too...he's got that silly movie obesession and is way funny just like nate...yeah...anyways...i am gonna talk about my physical appearance now, I am 5'10 or 11, have pinkish hair (it was fuschia but then it faded to blondish pinkish orangish in the sun at rag), I have blue-ish yellowish eyes, i am not skinny, and have way too big boobs, big hands and big feet. I love music. I play flute and steel drums, but i really don't do either often anymore...i listen to a buncha stuff, but mostly rock stuff, I am a vh1 addict...i think i am gonna go watch it now i guess i'm done writing now...yeah...well if anyone actually reads this then i hope you learned a lot about my probly learned a lot more than you wanted to know...yeah...

