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Raven's Place

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This is Raven's story. When my friends, Shawn and Carolyn, told me that their Chelsey was exspecting, I was estatic. I told them that I wanted a female. I wasn't sure if my parents would let me have one. I talked to my mom and she said yes, then we worked on my dad. I told him that it was a gift from Shawn and Carolyn but actually I was buying one. Anyway when the puppies were born I went and saw then. They were so cute. I looked at the female and fell in love. But when the day came to get one I decided on Raven. He was the runt of the litter and Shawn said that he was the coolest. Raven came right up to me while the others would play. I looked at him and put him back down to play but he would always come right back to me and wanted to see me. I fell in love and told them that I wanted him. They gave me a box and some toys. One the way home Raven slept most of the time. I finally took him out of the box and let him sit on the passenger seat. He crawled over and into my lap and fell to sleep. I arrived home and walked into the house. My mom saw the box and knew he was in it. She loved him at first site. Then when my dad got home I let Raven walk to him. He looked up at my dad. He said "What's this..a rat!...hehehe He lookes just like a Doberman. I showed Raven to all of my friends. The first night was hard. I wanted Raven to sleep on the floor because I was afraid that he would fall of the bed and hurt himself. But I couldn't resist those big brown eyes, and those cute ears. I put him up on the bed with me and he fell right to sleep but I didn't because I was afraid to hurt him.

Now Raven has found the key to my heart. He follows me every where. He's spoiled and he knows it. He knows that if he goes to Grandma that she will give him some food when she's eating. He knows that Grandpa will play with him. And he knows that I will give him anything. I will admit that he's the perfect gentleman now that I got him neutered. He dosn't mark his territory in the house anymore and is more lovable. Well now I will let Raven talk.

Hi! My name is AKC Hans Von Raven, but everyone calls me Raven. Im 3 years old, male, black and tan Miniature Pinscher. Im so happy that my Mommy let me have a website. I love helping her type on the computer and check the email. I guess you could call me a "computer hound." HEHEHEHEHE I live with my mommy and her parents in a small town called Pierpont, Ohio. I love it out here. I have tons of animals to play with. I have a tons of frinds. Lets see...there is Benjamin the German Shepherd who is Grampa's watch dog, Arson the Dalmatian who is my mommy's and grampa's dog, Then there is a Rooster. I love playing with Grampa, he likes to rough house, he also tought me how to protect my mommy. At night Grandma rockes me to sleep in the big green chair, then I go to bed with my mommy. In the morning I wake up Grandma and we go get the newspaper and I go potty. Then I back to bed with Mommy and wait for her to wake up for work. Then once my mommy goes to work I get her whole bed to my self, but usually end up sharing with Riley my big brother. She leaves the radio on for my so I don't get lonely. I like Country music the best. At first I thought that there were tiny people inside the speakers. I would try to attack the speakers thinking that they were trying to hurt my mommy. But finally I learned what they were. My mommy Tabitha got me from her friends Shawn and Carolyn. Tabitha used to work with Shawn. At first Tabitha was going to pick out the female but I used my charm and won her over. I was the runt of the litter but have grown up big and strong. Im not done growing yet but Tabitha says that I will be like my big brother Riley. Check out all of thier pages below with my list of links. Well guess I better get going. I have to take my daily afternoon nap. See ya. If you want to email me just E-mail my mommy and she will give me the letter.

I think the perfect toy for any dog is a KONG. I put some pepperoni and peanut butter in Raven's everyday before I go to work. That keeps him out of trouble while Im gone. I also bought him some boots for the winter. With living in the "snow belt" we all need them here. I will also get him a coat and a rain coat. He has tons of friends in the fire department. They all know that wherever I go he goes. Well I have to get back to work. I will get some pictures of Raven as soon as I scan them.

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My Mommy's Page
AKC Miniature Pinscher info
Purina Pet Care Center
Miniature Pinscher Webring
Chelsey (my Min Pin Mommy)
Gavyn (my Min Pin Daddy)
Riley (my Min Pin Big Brother)
PETSMART (my favorite store)
