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Diamond's Poetry Page

Hello Everyone, welcome to my Homepage for my Poetry and some of my friends Poetry. I love writin' poetry, and I've found it's the best way for me to express my feelings...
"Poetry is one way of discovering the secrets of one's soul"
I've made this homepage for Poetry Only, this isn't the homepage where you'll learn about me. If you want to see my Personal Homepage, please go to, My Personal Homepage...

Any comments on my poetry or my friend's poetry is more than welcome, and is greatly appriciated. If you would like to comment, please e mail me, or sign the guestbook. If you would like to comment on some of the Other poetry created by my friends, you can either e mail me, or e mail them. *s* Please do not add any of the poetry to your homepage without permission. If you would like to put some of my or my friends poetry on your page, we request that you e mail us asking for permission, and you must show that it is our poetry. *s* Thanks for your co-operation.

Now Let the Journey to the Secrets Of The Soul, Begin *s*....
