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My resolutions

Ok, I'm not going to deny it anymore, I started out thinking this was going to be one of coolest years of my life, but now I know, I was fucking kidding myself. This year was one of the worst so far. I can't get a fucking break! Whatever I was doing last year just wasn't working, so this year I am making resolutions that hopefully I will stick to.

1. I am not going to date any jerks this year. Looks like I am going to be single till 2000.

2.I am going to quit smoking. Welcome to hell.......if my page gets more vulgar, and evil sounding you'll know why.

3. I will quit biting my nails this year! Hey, guess what, 1 month and 2 weeks and not even a nibble. Although I have started compulsively applying chap stick. I guess I need my vices. (or do I have an oral fixation)

4.I'm going to lose weight! woooo hooooo! This should be easy since I am quiting smoking. (I am the exact opposite of most people. When I can't smoke I don't want to eat anything because that just makes me crave a cigarette even more.) I'm planning on putting up a fat-o-meter so everyone can see exactly how un-fat I am getting.

5.I am going to try to not be such a bitch. we actually see this happening?

Well, if this year sucks it's all your fault!

Happy Fucking New Year