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This is the Stuffz Page!!!!!

Things you MUST do at my web page!!!!!

Oh My Goodness. This page hasn't been updated since, like, Over a YEAR ago! Geez.

I'm Sorry! I say that a lot, oh well, I don't have much time, but I decided to stop in.

I went to an *N Sync concert! It was tons a fun! Anyhow, I gotta go! I have to get ready to go school shopping!

I LOVE TO SHOP! But the school part is Icky!!

Anyhow! See Y'all laterz!

I'm so sorry. If you're real bored, read on, but this is way stupid and boring.

This page is new!!!!!

Isn't that just GROOVY?!

I feel bad. I've neglected my page!!!!!

How could I?!?!?!?!?!

I dunno!!!

This is the stuffz page!!!!!

Almost time for school.

I miss everyone there, 'cept the work. Sometimes it's really hard to think so much!! Ya know?!?!

Nah!! Juz joshin' ya!! LoL!!! I can't believe I said that!! I mean, Just kidding!!

Hey!! I tried those fat free Pringles with the olestra er Olean stuffz in it, and it was like YUCK!! And anyways my body can't handle that crap. Dad says it like, doesn't get digested and it goes right through your body. I was like ewww!!!!!

I was watching FANatic the other day, and Hanson and David Boreanaz were on.

I have a movie review!!!!!!!!!

I saw "Ever After" twice. It was a pretty good movie (if you like the love story type thing) and there was no reason for it to be PG13. I just don't get it!! "OHMIGOSH!!! They kissed!!! We've gotta rate that one PG13." Well, that's juz my opinion on stuffz though.

I want to see "The Parent Trap" now. I love the movies.

I went to the LIBRARY!!!!! My family wasn't too wowed, until!!!!!! I actually got a BOOK!! Then I read some of it!!!

You see, it somehow got into people's head that I never read, which, I don't that often, but now me reading at least a little and me wanting to, it just get's em all excited and stuffz.

I dunno. It's not my fault they don't think I read!!!!

I hate reading though. I mean the class. Cuz they put me in advanced reading, and we had to like practically re-write the novels we were reading. NOT FUN! grrrrr!! I do not want to be in that class this year.

Some people call me immature. I wonder if I am. Cuz then there's other people that say I'm not even close to it! People these days!! So confusing!

I can't edit this anymore.

It's allergy season.

I'm MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!

You see, I have hayfever. And the pollin gets into the air, and then I have the itchy, watery eyes, they runny/stuffy nose, the sneezing, the coughing, this year, I even get to have a sore throat too!!!!!!! Wow!! Feel lucky!! When I was younger, my eyes used to swell shut, and when I'd wake up in the mornings, I'd hafta put a wet wash cloth on my face so I could open em. That doesn't happen very often anymore.

I wish I didn't have this. It sucks. I have to finish this later. I am getting mad at me!!
