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The Green Room!!

E-mail Jessica @

Meet *Jessica Ziething*

1. Name & Nicknames: tye (don't ask)

2. Birthdate:9/28/86

3. Location:LaPorte IN

4. School:LaPorte High School

5. Hobbies:swimming, singing, volley ball, talking on the phone

6. Color Eyes: brown

7. Height: 5'9

8. Shoe Size: 8

9. Favorite Color: green

10.Favorite Songs: the real slim shady

11. Favorite Book: harry potter

12. Favorite Vacation spot: Mexico

13. Absolute One Best Friend: Kelli Wilkins/Kylie Stanley

14: Best Friend of the Opposite Sex: Elliot Yates

15: Single or Taken? single

16: Do you have a crush? Who?: yes & none of your buisiness

17: Things you like in the opposite sex: there just so cute

20: Funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of someone of the opposite sex?

21. What CD is in your player right now? Eminem

22: Best quality in a friend: when they can keep a secret

23: Fondest Memory of you and your Friend(s): the fair in MS

24: Scariest Thing that's ever happened to you:when some man looked in my window

25: Favorite Computer Font:curlz

26: Favorite Food: pizza

27: Favorite Place to Eat: McDonalds

28: Food you Hate: the kind my mom cooks

29: Weirdest food that you like: sometimes i eat ranch on rice

30: Dumbest thing you've ever done: which day??lol

31: The One Person that Knows the Most About You:Megan Scarbrough

32: Favorite Movie(s): Biodome & American Pie

33. Last Movie you saw? Big Daddy

34: Here's the scenario - Any person curled up on a couch with you watching any movie. Who would it be and what movie?: my crush & any scary movie

35: Nicest Thing Someone's Done for You: not make fun of me when i act like an

36: Best Advice Ever Given to You?:don't wait..just do it

37: Favorite Quote #1: i think, therefor i am single

38: Favorite Quote #2: if you havent got anything nice to say..come and sit next to me

38: Favorite Quote #3: ???????

39: One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: ?????

40: One thing you hope you do before you die:become a singer

41: Thing you want to be remembered for: singing

42: Your Personality Type: wierd

43: Favorite Music Group(s): the one that i am going to sing in

44: Pets: dog (fuggy)

45: Favorite Holiday: Christmas

46: Favorite Season: Summer

47: Favorite Summer Activity: swimm, play volleyball (even though im not that good at it)

48: Favorite Winter Activity: ice skating (i'm not to good at that either)

49: What you wanna be when you grow up:a singer(if you havn't figured that out yet)

50: Funniest Person you Know: kyle scroggin

51: Favorite Conversation Topic: anything that i can laugh about

52: Favorite Sport(s): volleyball & tennis

53: Favorite Magazines: cosmo girl, twist, teen,& ym

54: Favorite Toothpaste:Aquafresh (the green one)

55: Favorite BubbleGum: ciniburst

56: Favorite Candy: pez

57: Favorite Stores: gap, old navy, & guess

58: Favorite Thing to Wear to School: shorts & a t-shirt

59: Favorite Thing to Sleep In: my underware

60: Biggest Fear: snakes

61: Favorite Inside Joke: ????

62: Favorite Girl's Name(s): 63: Favorite Guy's Name(s): taylor

67: Thing You're Picked on Most About: i'm an idiot

68: Best Thing About the Person who made this webpage: she is really fun to be around

69: Favorite Words: i don't think i can type

70: Thing you Say Waaaaay Too Much: ????? i don't think i do that ?????

71: Favorite ice-cream Flavor: vanilla & pepermint

72: Favorite Soda (it's pop): pepsi

73: Link to your favorite websites: 74: One Place you want to go to (you've never been there): Hawii

75: Time & Date: 1:46 06-06-00

76:What did you do or what are your plans today:i was outside cleaning my pool/getting a tan

77: You kiss someone and you're chewing gum. What kind of gum?:winterfresh

78: What college do you want to go to (or are you going to or will you be going to?): UCLA (thats where my mom went)

79: Person you Admire the most: my dad

80: Thing you most regret: last year at the fair(i don't even want to get into that)

81: Number of Pairs of shoes you own:8

82: Favorite piece of jewelry: i like all of my jewelry

83: Your Themesong(s): ??i'm not sure??

84: If you were a nail polish what color would you be and why: bright yellow...i just like that color nail polish (i'm wearing it)

86: Color of your bedroom: right now it mint green (yuck) i'm painting it this summer

88: Last time you showered:right before i started this

89: Last person you called: Kelli Wilkins

90: Last thing you had to drink: Pepsi

91: What's the weather like: sunny and warm (ohh yeah baby)

92: Last Book you Read by Choice:Harry potter(like 5 months ago)

93: Last show you watched on TV: jerry springer

94: Where is your computer: right in front of me (lol)

95: Color socks you're wearing: i'm not wearing any

96: The silliest thing u've ever said?:which time

97: Favorite Smiley Face: ;)

98: Last phrase you said: ???gee...i don't remember???

99: Thing you actually want to be doing right now: not this....outside in the pool

And that's Jessica in a nutshell!!!


Go home!!
