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The Yellow/Green Room!


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Meet *Lindsey Addie*

1. Name & Nicknames:Linds, Lindsa, Linda, Lindz, Laddie, hey you,

2. Birthdate: 4-28-86

3. Location: LaPorte, IN

4. School: LPHS!!!

5. Hobbies: basketball, traveling (hey that's gotta count!!), pressed penny colleccting (don't ask)

6. Color Eyes: green

7. Height: 5' 7

8. Shoe Size: 8 1/2, 9 depends

9. Favorite Color: green

10.Favorite Songs: ummm... there's not enough space to type em all!

11. Favorite Book: The Oath by Frank E Peretti... (i guess... i don't really read)

12. Favorite Vacation spot: Mexico, duh!

13. Absolute One Best Friend: JUST ONE?! ok, then Kylie... but there ARE others!

14: Best Friend of the Opposite Sex: gonna have to go with Mike... i've known him longest

15: Single or Taken? Taken!! :o)

16: Do you have a crush? Who?:yeah... actually more like a bf.. Roy!

17: Things you like in the opposite sex: personality, smile, "sweetness", sensitivity

20: Funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of someone of the opposite sex? who me?! Do something DESPERATE>?! Haha!

21. What CD is in your player right now? Creed, 22: Best quality in a friend:they're abbility to put up with your "issues" day in and day out... just kidding!

23: Fondest Memory of you and your Friend(s):too many to recall..

24: Scariest Thing that's ever happened to you:i got attacked by a rabid racoon at potato creek!! 25: Favorite Computer Font: comic sans

26: Favorite Food: ravioli!

27: Favorite Place to Eat: Ed Debevic's... that place is aWESome~

28: Food you Hate: Nancy's... hehe jk

29: Weirdest food that you like: brussel sprouts... the little ones..

30: Dumbest thing you've ever done: Do i REALLY have to admit THAT on here?! I am now exercising the right not to!

31: The One Person that Knows the Most About You: Jesse Huggins

32: Favorite Movie(s): the matrix... ten things... i can't remember the others!!

33: Last movie you saw? Where the heart is

34: Here's the scenario - Any person curled up on a couch with you watching any movie. Who would it be and what movie?: Roy and the matrix cause he hasn't seen it yet

35: Nicest Thing Someone's Done for You: i can't recall...

36: Best Advice Ever Given to You?: don't worry what other people think (that's a classic)

37: Favorite Quote #1:go team

38: Favorite Quote #2:i love you

38: Favorite Quote #3:it's all shits and giggles until somebody gets hurt... then its just freakin hularious

39: One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: Give peas a chance! jk

40: One thing you hope you do before you die: See the world... or at least europe

41: Thing you want to be remembered for: lemme get back to you on that one

42: Your Personality Type: shy round new people, just plain blonde around friends!

43: Favorite Music Group(s): creed, green day, incubus, destiny's child, FIF, PAX, POD... ummm Blink 182, Project 86, chili peppers, lit.. the list continues

44: Pets: seven mice, two dogs, five fish, and four cats (no, not all in the same house)

45: Favorite Holiday: Christmas

46: Favorite Season: summer!

47: Favorite Summer Activity: water skiing

48: Favorite Winter Activity: bundling up and drinkin hot chocolate

49: What you wanna be when you grow up: I don't wanna work!!!

50: Funniest Person you Know: mike, kelly, or ashley

51: Favorite Conversation Topic: whatever

52: Favorite Sport(s): basketball

53: Favorite Magazines:seventeen

54: Favorite Toothpaste:aquafresh!!

55: Favorite BubbleGum:big red

56: Favorite Candy: sour gummies

57: Favorite Stores: Wal-Mart.. hehe... Contempo cansual!! wet seal... miller's outpost... american eagle.. aeropostale.. express

58: Favorite Thing to Wear to School: jeans,, t shirt

59: Favorite Thing to Sleep In: t shirt... boxers

60: Biggest Fear: that i'll turn out like my mom and dad... ooo scary!

61: Favorite Inside Joke: don't have a fave

62: Favorite Girl's Name(s): Molly, Novelie, Gracie, taylor

63: Favorite Guy's Name(s): Chandler, Reeve, Aidan

67: Thing You're Picked on Most About: confidence... hehe

68: Best Thing About the Person you Got This from: Mega.. you're awesome

69: Favorite Words:

70: Thing you Say Waaaaay Too Much: go team, most definitely!

71: Favorite ice-cream Flavor: Ben and Jerry's Phish Food

72: Favorite Soda (it's pop): Dr. Pepper

73: Link to your favorite websites:

74: One Place you want to go to (you've never been there): Europe.. anywhere in Europe...

75: Time & Date: today? 6-9-00 1:54 AM

76. What did you do or what are your plans today: i plan on sleepin in, laying out, then coming home!!! and goin to Roy's game at 5:30

77: You kiss someone and you're chewing gum. What kind of gum?: never happened so i dunno

78: What college do you want to go to (or are you going to or will you be going to?): Somewhere as far away from IU as possible

79: Person you Admire the most: Kelly Crites

80: Thing you most regret: not getting to know ppl better at Boston

81: Number of Pairs of shoes you own:three i think

82: Favorite piece of jewelry: dont have one

83: Your Themesong(s):

84: If you were a nail polish what color would you be and why: umm why are you asking this?

86: Color of your bedroom:white

88: Last time you showered: ummm a friday last moth sometime... no jk... 9:00 on 6-8

89: Last person you called: my dad to tell him to pick up the pics

90: Last thing you had to drink: milk... to go wiht my cookies!

91: What's the weather like: windy, warm, nice

92: Last Book you Read by Choice: TheVisitation By Peretti...

93: Last show you watched on TV: The Mtv Movie Awards

94: Where is your computer: in the office here at mom's, at dad's it's in the dining room

95: Color socks you're wearing: i'm not

96: The silliest thing u've ever said?: i'd rather not say

97: Favorite Smiley Face: :o) (Bo) (o: (Fred)

98: Last phrase you said:

99: Thing you actually want to be doing right now: sleeping!!!!!

That's Lindsey in a nutshell.....(Linds--"No it's not! This is me in a nutshell! *gets down on the ground on her back, legs in air and arms up, forming a ball* THIS is me in a nutshell!! Help! I'm in a nutshell!! How did I get into this nutshell?!? Ahhh!!")


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