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Welcome to Magic Shrooms Psychodelic World!!!!

Greetings and Welcome to my Psychodelic World!!!
This is ment to be a wierd and Psychodelic place! In time i hope it will be....for now it's just here....check back in a week and there will be more stuff here!=)
Ok, so anyways....I don't really know what to write here....I guess first I'd like to give a shout out to all my friends at Freetown! You've all been great to me! You know who you are!*smile*.
For those of you who don't know who I am....I am Magic_Shroom of "The Manor" at "". I picked my name because I know and use many html commands....which to me look kinda cool and sometimes psychodelic. Hench the name Magic_Shroom....I don't do drugs. Well....not anything illegal anyways...I am a social drinker. hehehe. I guess that pretty much sums up the name thing.*smile* hehehe. I know lots of fun commands.
So anyways....below is a cool it to continue to a better Land.....

PLEASE View and Sign my Guestbook!!!!!!
