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19th AirWing Bios

19th AirWing Bios (in order they were sent in)


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Favorite Plane: F4F-3 Wildcat Home:Ohio Age 36 Marital Status:Happily Married for 7 years and have 3 children 2 girls and 1 boy (SAjr.) Joined the 19th: in Jan of 96. For more Info on early days check out my Home Page. During the summer of "ARM" porking enemies continually, I took a leave and joined the NASTY's (undercover) as 2pork, that lasted 1 month, as going up against the 19th was futile (but fun hehe). After coming back to the 19th, at the urging of a couple of nephews, I started a squadron of my own the Seacrabs (c-land trying to balance Pac3), it was shortlived, but included a couple of 19th secret members: OH19 and CS19. The month before AW left AOL, the 19th let me come back to stay! Thank Goodness! The rest is history... Things I enjoy about AW: I love learning about html, WWII and checking out any site that deals with AirWarrior. i am determined some day to fly in an F4F! Look Out! Sorry bout the bad pic, still learning scanning!


Cpid PUF19
Rank **** Gen,and AXO,have also been XO as well as CO of this squad
Real Name Nick Leone Home new Milford Connecticut,from the Bronx NY Marital Status single
Joined Feb 96 on AOL,asked by PIO19{aka tumor} Favorite Planes f4 sair,p38,f6,bf109 franz,FW 190a8 History first on AOL got my start,a dweeb with desire to learn,I was in the forjins of the 19th.Tumor and Hog taught me allot Tumor taught to relax and set up the shoot.Hog taught me kill them all and to not get in his sights when in a ferball :0) I had tooo many fun sorties to list. When AOL was ending AW for free,we were gunna split the 19th up, I said NO WAY!!! with a lot of time and effort we got almost all the people back from the old squad. as well as some great new people


BIO Info: Name: Mitch Ellis alas(es) Sarge, Big Dog, MonoS Age 41 Live in: Saginaw Michigan Occupation: Meteorologist, National Guard AF Began AW: Oct 96 Came to the 19th: Nov 96 Recruiter: A few influences, Pip19, Tofr7, Tumor and our founder CS19 Best campaign: 2nd over all in Pac 1 Jan 97(thank God for the newbees)
Came into the 19th in nov of 96, moved up to command one of the wings of the 19th...anyone remember the floujins, Strikers and..gee I forget the other one....crap think Pip had that sqd too. When I came in there was about 8 active members...two dropped out real quick then we went on a big recruiting camp and got the base of what's here today. Left AOL shortly after AW was dropped and was off line till oct of 98.....Tumor actually found me on the net and called my house one evening, I was not home....freaked my wife right out!!!!.....she knew what it was about! LOL. Been back now since Feb 99. New CPU too!


: PIE19 Handle : Sweety Rank : Lt.Col Marital Status : Single with 1 kid Real name : Jodi H. Age : 24 Location : Connecticut (around the corner from Puf19) Occupation : Safety inspector Joined the 19th: Nov. 1997 we were still on Aohell. I was the first female to join the squad & the guys were a little weary of having me, but once they all got to know me, the Air warrior gods smiled upon me and all was good!! As of now I'm still the only female member ( & i don't mind :) Favorite planes F4U (until GS broke it), F6 hellcat & there's nothing like a good old P51 with lots of alt!! I also enjoy flying a gooney for troops when needed. Favorite arena : I prefer the Pacific arenas for the U.S. planes, but will go any where the 19th goes! Favorite enemy : Any one that engages!! Other Hobbies : (besides AW) Motorcycle road racing ,snow skiing, trout fishing, watching football, Nascar & Formula 1, & doing other fun things with my 7yr old daughter.


Cpid: Den19 aka Denlevi (real name) - Dennis Rank: Only when I forget to shower, Age: 33 Marital Status: Married 12 years, 3 (not so little ones anymore), Two boys one girl, And a patient understanding wife:) Residence: Wellington Colorado, a little town somewhere between Ft. Collins and Cheyenne in northern Colorado Fave plane: F6f Grumman Hellcat ... of course, Occupation: Puter chair wear tester and playing with CNC Machines and prototyping, (buildin stuff) Leisure: Fly, Camp, Fish, 4Wheel, Camp, Fly, fish, 4wheel, Fly, 4Wheel, Fish, Camp,
History as a 19th: I had been an AOhell member for a bout a year when I decided one day I would check out this AW game thing, I started flying AW4W rr Euro newbie arena in November 96! As a greenhorn I got my first kill the first night up,I had been flying flight sims for a few years before hehe like on a commador vic 20 and MSFS 1.0 in the early to mid 80's, anyway, I was recruited into the Sky Sharks in my second week as Shark7!! 8-) But our CO was based in Germany in the US armed forces and had a difficult time organizing squad nights. Shortly thereafter he unofficially dismissed the squad. Anyway, after a few weeks of lone sharking I came across Hoser(CS19) who invited me to fly with him and a few rag tag killers,hmmm lemee see.. MSG,TMR,OH,MRG,MOS,SA,HOG I think hehe anyway was invited to join and I did in Late December of 96. We flew in Pac3 most of the time and my fondest memories come from that campaign. The 19th and our fellow 82nd brothers wreaked a war of biblical proportions on the BZ and CZ in Pac 3 bringin all kinds of adversaries against us every squad night including the Nastys, that cut their little toothies on us. Since then the 19th has undergone a lot of change but we are stronger than ever and I always will be a proud member of the 19th AW. NO NERCY!


Plane: F4U Corsair(but fly others including wildcat) Flew now for 4 1/2+ years. 4 of which were with 444th AirMafia. I got 2 stars then was squadless with my bags on the street. met OH19 and he signed me up as a 2nd lt. from a 2 starer I was reluctant but took the deal. been flyin and havin fun ever since. Hobbies: Golf, AW3, Friends, Talkin, Parties, Chillin


CPID:York Rank:Captian Single AGE:33 Fav.Planes:Nik,38,B17-gunner,F4u AW History:In the early morning mist of April 1st 1998,I Sgt York was looking for trouble! I then decided to join the squad,and that squad was the 82nd.I became a General and lost all self respect.I joined the 19th because it was our sister squad and a good one. Ohio signed me on a few months ago(he needed someone to wax his planes:). That is all.Salute!


Cpid: Hog19 (Grunt 19th AIrWing), used to be a Col. but like being a grunt better, hehe
Age: None of yur damn business, but Im 48 Marital Status: Been married 18 years ( this time), Have three Childerns, 26, 16,7 ( Sub19 is my oldset son)
Residence: Decatur, AL. (but from Hot Springs, Ark.)
Favorite Planes: F6f Grumman Hellcat , P-38 , F4-U, Ki-84
Occupation: When not playing AW, for desiging fraphics or websites, I am an industrial Safety manager ( yall be safe ya hear!) :p
History as a 19th: Joined in Dec, 96. I was working a Jobsite with Cs19 and Pip19, and they got me stared in Aw and invited me in to the 19th. I miss the days in Pac in AOL, we had a lot of great enemies there! I have been a Colonel, a squad leader, ect. I left the game when they went off AOL, but recently came back. I love the Pac areanas and the fellowship of AW. I hate Bz,& Cz and love to furball, I get a lot of kills but don't get to land much because of the above, hehe.
Favorite sayings: "Root Hog or Die / Your Roadkill! & "NO NERCY"
May the Lord bless and keep you!
Bro. Gary McDaniel


CPID: J_A_B From: Rittman, OH (located 20 miles west of Akron), attend Akron University Go Zips!
Marital status: Not yet, but have a wonderful GF who doesnt care much for AW (hey, nobody's perfect! hehehe)
Favorite plane: P-51D
Most often heard AW gripe: "I hate over-performing unrealistic spits!"
Best ever camp: Late 1997, ETO2--went through entire campaign without dying at all, something like 125 kills in my pony.... :-)
Fav bomber tactic: Vulching fields with A-26's AW history: I first got AW stand alone version 1.5e...then actually got AOL just to play AW! For awhile I was the standard spit dweeb, complete with always changing CPID. Eventually I found the P-51 and my current name, then the rest was history! I was quite upset when AOL got rid of AW--so I got rid of AOL (hehe).
I finally got GS in FEB of 1999, and joined the 19th about two weeks later at the request of HNG82. Never used to care much for squads--the 19th changed that. This squad is the only one I've ever seen that is fun to fly with! Go 19th!!!


CPID: BRK19 Rank: Major(headache) Name: Brian Kobus Age: 38 Status: Happily married 14 years (Sonia) with 1 child (Leah). Located: Frederick, Maryland (came from Youngstown, Ohio) Occupation: Communication Engineer with EDS Favorite Plane: P38 (is there any other?) History: AirWarrior has been a part of me for 3 years now and I’m still married. I remember my usual comment when I was first learning to fly, “how did he get behind me so fast?” I was signed up to join the 19th AirWing by Oh19 and have enjoyed flying with the squad ever since. My favorite maneuver when flying is to get the enemy mad at me (they usually will then make a mistake, hehe). When I’m not getting killed in AW you will find me flying remote controlled airplanes (82” wing span, 3.2 ci 5hp gas motor Cap 232, with a smoke system). It’s great to belong to a squad as good as the 19th.


CPID: 2Loco HANDLE: Pachuco RANK: ** GEN (last i heard) REAL NAME: Ron Trujillo MARITAL STAUTS: Single CITY/STATE: Tucson, Az (112 in the shade 120 in the sun, but its a dry heat. WHO CARES!!! ITS STILL HOT!!!! ) OCCUPATION: Lubber Goober for a construction compnay. Catapillar, Komatsu (jap crap) Bomag (german crap like euro planes) basiclly all kinds of heavy equipment and tractor trailors FAV PLANE(s): F-6 hellcat, LA-5 (lawndart), Spit 9, A6M5 Zero, Fokker DR1 (ww1) FAV KILL MACRO: "One more tries, means that one more dies.", " I'm lighting up the sky like the 4th of July!" FAV ACM: "auger trick" 700 foot loop to the ground. learned it by accident. made 2 zeros crash and then prefected it AW HISTORY: i first started AW on AOL almost 3 years ago. I've flown a lot of flight sims before then. my favorite was AH-64 Apache for the Commadore 64 (still play it too) I started out not knowing anything about sims with airplanes, always flew helicopters. I guess i need to give a thank you to CHGO. He is the one that made me what I am. I started flying the N1K1 and he was killing me in a 38. I wasn't a push over in the niki but i decided to try the F-6 and fell in love. After me and him "winging" for a bit we decided to start a squad. We went by a few names but N.A.S.T.Y. stuck with us. (making him a co-founder of the NASTY?) After tearing up places with or without the NASTY I went on my own, teaching ACM and I made my own squad. My squad fell apart due to ego's and then I became a memeber of the 19th almost exactly a year ago and been having all kinds of fun ever since.


Cpid: Six19, Rank: Col, Name: Guy Roginson, Age: 34 Home: Chicago, Il. Favorite Libation: Glenlevitt and Soda,,,, brb, love scotch, Marital Status: Happily Married 1-1/2 yrs to a HOT Korean Mama--"She No. 1 Beau Coup", Joined Squad: January 98, Occupation: Sales / Marketing Director for Environmental health and safety consulting firm (I sell to guys like HOG!! Hey HOG, gotta call on ya some time!) Favorite Aircraft: BF-109 Gustav, B-25 Mitchell (flying tank), P51D-Mustang-nothin like a good STANG BANG , also have great affinity for a large tank run (a.k.a. Battle of the Bulge)-we should do that sometime. Recruiter: OHIO19 - A true gentleman, took me aside and taught me the basics--that beat the hell out of getting waxed every 60 seconds as a newbie. Hooked on: Coming home after a brutal day at work, pouring myself a HUGE Scotch and Soda and sipping on that bad boy while preparing to dive on a BZ/CZ Target. (Pic coming soon SA!!)


CPID: 19th AirWing BadC Rank: Squad Pos:Cannon Fodder:) Marital Status:15 yrs w 3 kiddos Real Name:Mark Located:High Desert of west Texas(Lubbock) Favorite Plane:F6F,Ki84,B17 Favorite saying:"AHHH cold beer and Alt. LIFE IS GOOD!" Kill Macro:not used Least Favorite thing about AW:whiners whaaaaa! Hobbies:Flying,Fishing,hunting,AW(of course,river floats,and much more!Life is good:) Age:34 AW History:I stumbled across AW1 a couple yrs ago while still on aol.I first got on as AZ and have never changed.I lived up to newbie reps the first day shooting down the first planes I saw in RR Euro.Thus having committed AW sin and hearing"KILL THE TRAITOR" I quickly, and wisely moved to another arena.The one I have called home ever since, RR Pacific! Mik82 Signed me on as a 82nd Intruder my second day in AW(They needed a new mop boy:).I made alot of good friends in the 82nd.We had a hellofalotof fun is also where I met my AW mentor Gen.Pax82.And our beloved sister squad the 19th AirWing. So after a couple years in AW,and countless planes(enough to have made Grumman a kazillionare),Ohio finally accepted my transfer(bribe)to the 19th AirWing.This is just a brief history of my aw days.But the stories and good times are and will always be part of my fond memories.So Let the good times roll! (wife just shaking her head:)
Bad19 has since changed his CPID to Bad82, and has left the 19th to rejoin the 82nd

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