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Common Names: Emperor Scorpion

Scientific Name: Pandinus imperator

Distribution: Africa (mostly Togo and Ghana)

Size: Up to about 8", usually 4"-6".

Temperament: Usually very docile, does not readily sting, can be housed in groups.

Hardiness: Very hardy when properly set up and maintained.

Food: Nutrient fed crickets, jumbo mealworms, butterworms, and pink mice.

Housing: A 10 gallon sized terrarium can house 1 pair of Emperor Scorpions. Larger groups would need a 20 gallon or larger terrarium. Use either a 2" layer of potting soil/sand mixture or preferably a 2" layer of vermiculite (these substrates offer a good burrowing medium). Landscape and create burrows and shelters with select cork bark slabs and driftwood. Terrarium should be simply set up to allow easy maintenance without the risk of being stung. Use forceps or tongs to move landscape items and scorpions.

Water: Provide a small shallow water pan (i.e. jar cap) with fresh water at all times. Also should be misted about once a week.

Temperature/Humidity:76 degrees F-86 degrees F. Moderate to high humidity is provided by dampening a section of the substrate under a preferred shelter and by weekly misting of terrarium.

Lighting: Full spectrum lighting/W.V. radiation is not recommended for Emperor Scorpions. To watch normal behavioral patterns use low wattage incandescent RED bulb. Use of regular lighting will cause most speciments to seek shelter and remain in hinding until dark. Emperor Scorpions will fluoresce (turn bright green) when exposed to a black light bulb. However this is not recommended for long term use.

Heating: An under tank reptile heating pad placed under 1/4-1/2 of terrarium will provide a 24 hour bottom surface heat gradient. While a low wattage incandescent RED light bulb will help provide proper daytime temperatures. Use a thermometer. A cool to worm heat gradient should be available at all times within the terrarium.

Notes: Red Claw Scorpions (Pandinus ssp.) from Africa, the Asian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus spinefer) and the Javanese Scorpion (Heterometrus cyameus) can all be set up and maintained in a similar manner.