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Kindred's Friends and Family Page One

The first member of my internet family was Firefly. She and I met at Amanda's Table. Firefly has great knowledge and a great heart to help her know how to use that knowledge... I consider myself quite fortunate in having met her and being part of the same family. If you want to know more about her, go visit her website "Captured within a Firefly's Glow"

Heiland Lass and I met at a Scottish Bulletin Board/Chatroom called The Pub. She is a feisty Scotswoman, who can carry a pen in one hand and a claymore in the other, and be equally effective with both. Her imagination is boundless as is her humor..... and she is fiercly protective of those she loves. What more could one want of a family member? Her homepage, When Two Worlds Collide, will give a clearer picture of her than I.

katrina has the soul of an artist, the sensitivity of a flower and the courage of a soldier. You can get a sense of that from her homepage, katrina's world. She has talent and intensity. Don't play chicken with her, She won't turn. If she is treated with honest respect, she will reflect it back to you. But if not:
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
(No One Provokes Me With Impunity)

Tina is energy, packaged in a human form. I don't believe she knows how to do less than six things at once! She does them with ferver and relish! She is a terrific Mother of three kids and I doubt there are many in the world who could do a better job at it. She knows that Family and Breathing are the same thing. Feel free to visit her at Our Home, her Web Site. Tina has been part of the family for a long time and she is a joy to know.

The first person I ever talked to on the internet was Annie. When I got my computer and figured out how to access the internet, I visited The Pub. I began to follow and enjoy Annie's conversations and humor. When, at long last, I said something to her, she was very polite and friendly (Annie, have you been polite with me since then?...*G*). I have developed a great respect and fondness for her. She has a sardonic humor which doesn't allow much room for nitwits....And watch out for the Berserker's Ax she drags around with her. Annie, thanks.... *Hug*

Aubrey and I have talked since I first found Amanda's. We have chatted about things both trivial and important. I have never received an opinion from her that was not of the highest order. We are fellow Scots and in our heritage kinship runs deep. Her Web Site, Lady Aubrey's Homepage, will tell you more of her.

There are few people on the net, or anywhere else for that matter, with the personality and energy of Southern Sweetheart. She is talented, dramatic, personable and very bright. I enjoy the conversations I have with her partly because I never know what will be next! She has several homepages but this is probably the best place to begin. South Beach Marina Services But make sure to follow the links to all the other locations.

Three family members are from Australia.
Talia is from Melbourne but doesn't want anything more than that known about her on the net. She is a very private person but one of my favorite people ever. I'd miss her if she ever left.

Karen is from a bit west of Sydney (Okay....maybe a couple hundred miles west...*g*) and is 110% Australian. Her multiple web sites, can be accessed through A Touch of Grace. You would miss some fun if you didn't visit them all!.

Although Shelley Ann , from Western Australia, has left the net. She is still part of the family and is not forgotten.

Christy/Candle claims to be just another blonde from Florida. She is anything but that. She can refinish a new table to make it appear to have come from a Roman villa; produce and star in a T.V. show; write a "How To..." book; and converse with understanding on almost any subject one can imagine. She is full of energy and thought. I'm glad she is in the family.

Another Mom in the family is Dreamer. She has kids and a husband and pets and school and a job and I have no idea where she gets the time and energy! But she finds it somewhere and still manages to be one of the nicest folks you'd ever want to meet. She is interesting and fun to talk with ....

These people are the reasons I am still on the web. They are some of the finest people I've ever known. I will write more about them in the future.

I hope to have some more photos of some of my friends and family in the near future on this and other linked pages and will be adding other graphics to these pages as I can.

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