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Gens Silvanius

Gens Silvanius is a Patrician family that is currently dwelling in Nova Roma. Nova Roma is a group that is dedicated to the restoration of Classical Roman religion,culture,and virtues.Legends that have been passed down thru the family orators, imply that the family owes its name and lineage to Silvanus; the ancient god of woods , fields, and untilled land. Over the generations , the family of Silvanius has grown and flourished like the fields and woods that we so dearly love. We all share a deep love of nature and the living things upon this good earth. We , like many other Gens , honor the Muses and do our best to create whenever we can. Silvanius is in involved in the agricultural arts , garment manufacturing , the vinting and brewing of drinks and libations , poetry , drama , prose , and the constant pursuit of knowledge. We have enjoyed a mixing of cultures due to extensive travel, and have within our families those of Germanic , British , Celtic , and Gaulish descent . Lest you be fooled by our pastoral nature , we can also be foremost in battle or war , as our paterfamilias , Ambrosius Silvanius Virbius is a retired warrior , and still retains a love of martial games and gladitorial combat. An armoury that is prolific in the manufacturing of chain and scale is maintained by our family . Gens Silvanius is a family that enjoys the pleasures of life as well as the mysteries. We are always willing to accept potential family members. If you would care to contact us please send your missive to the address listed at the bottom of this page.

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