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Wow, it's been a long time since the site has been updated. We now have our own name and server, it will take some time to set it up, but don't fret, we will return stronger and better than before.

Want a question answered? Use Sudotech's 8-Ball

Note: Some of our pages or downloads might not be working due to the fact that we are still working on the site. Please be patient as we continue to bring you quality software.

Come back often and find what other programs the Sudotech Staff has put out.

Watch the 7-Up Spot dance!!

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Miscellaneous Items

Ask the 8-ball a question, and it'll give you an answer

Table of Contents
Sudotech Programs

Other Information
This site is best viewed with MSIE 4.01 or better and 640 x 480.

We have MIDI sounds on most the pages. You cannot hear them if A. You do not have a sound card, or B. a Computer...

This page was created by Sudo- Please ask if you want to use this interface idea, the art, or the downloads on your page.