Bev's Place
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Bev's Place

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My name is Rhonda, I'm 27 years old and I am a bartender from Cleveland, Ohio... I am a wife and mother also. In my free time, I enjoy dancing and hanging out with my friends...and ofcourse playing on the internet!!!

I am married to Dave, aka Red-Wing, I have two sons... My oldest is Michael, he's 5 years old, born in May of 94, and started kindergarten this year   *sigh*   they grow so fast!!!

We were blessed with our second son, Matthew, in July of 1999 on our first wedding anniversary!!

I am a Cleveland Indians Fan, and from the influence of my husband, I am also a Detroit Red Wings fan. My husband has introduced me to lots of new things...Thanks for always making me laugh honey!!!

I am learning to deal with my internet addiction, and so is my husband (slowly) LOL I have met a lot of great friends on here and I cherish every one of them!!! They are truly my other family! I love being around people who make me laugh, I suppose that's how I ended up with Dave...that, and he completely swept me off my feet. He is truly one of the good ones and I love spending time with him..."We all need a clown to make us smile", and I'm fortunate enough to be married to mine!!!

I have also managed to get my family members addicted to the web as mom, my aunt, my cousins...look what I've done!!! LOL They all love the net as much as I do, and I love each and every one of them as well!!!

This picture was a gift from my mother...Thanks, Mom!! I love you very much!!!

My mother and I are very close. She is truly one of my best friends...I wouldn't give her up for the world!!! She lives very close to me and we talk constantly. She watches my son while I work, and I can't thank her enough... I was lucky enough to have great parents...they are truly good people and I consider myself lucky to have them in my life... I love you guys!!!

I like to listen to a variety of music, mostly hip-hop and dance music...I absolutley LOVE to dance!!! My 10 year high school reunion is coming up next!! I AM old!!! LOL I can't wait to see all of my old friends again!!! That has to be the best part of school...and probably the part we all miss the most...

I love to chat in the chatrooms...I have made many dear friends in CityDownUnder...everyone in that room is so friendly!!! I also like chatting with my family in our chatroom...makes for very low phone bills!!!

Well, that's about it for now...thanks again for stopping by!! I will be adding more links and pictures, so make sure you stop back!!!

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