Beowulf's Lair
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Inside the mind of
Cui Ci Sono Dei Mostri

The sky is the perpetually changing Rorschach test to the active mind. Day or night, sunshine or clouds, it's velvet background lends a ready canvas for the intellect to paint what the soul sees. Who can be bored, living under such a magical piece of art?


So nice of you to take the time to visit my...Ah, what shall I call this little space of mine? My menagerie? My depository of psychological offal?

Perhaps to merely call it my sancturary would best convey what it represents to me. Anyway, Welcome.

To some, this will seem a waste...a bore... the aimless wanderings of a cluttered mind. To those, I say, "Be well.", for I know your stay will be a short one.

To some, this place will afford momentary amusement, a pretty place of sight and sound, enjoyed briefly, then quickly forgotten. To those, I say, "Safe voyage.", knowing yours to be the whimsical spirits that bring color to the world, the butterflies of life's field.

To a few, this will be a place that inspires thought, offering ideas and positions to be challanged and discussed... evoking dreams to be shared. To you, I say, "Welcome, kindred spirit. I've been waiting for you."

Random Thoughts

My Poetry Page
Below you will find a few lists of things I like. To say that they are my 'favorites' would be to exagerate. But, they are things that, within their groups, are those that left a most lasting impression.




Places and people I like to visit
Wall of Respect

"If we meet again, I will smile...
If not, then this parting was well made"