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The House of Me :-þ

A Little Bout me

Hi, I'm Abby and this is my page, it's my first page and it basicaly sucks, but I tried. I guess I'll give a little info bout me. I am 20 years old and am counting the days till Jan. 22, 2004 when I will turn 21, I am a Junior at Morehead State University, it's in eastern KY. Yes I promise that it really does exist. There are pages of pics later, so hang on. I love to party, chill w/ my crew, and just hang out in my spare time. <~ that was a long time ago, now, all I do is work, go to school, and spend time with my love. B-4 I forget I have to send love to my crew and my cuties.....you know who you are (I learned to never try to name all your friends......you inevitably forget at least one :-) } umm I think that's about all I wanted to say. enjoy.. ~Me :-)

A few memorable Quotz

"Life's a bitch then you die, so live yours to the fullest and enjoy it while it's here" -I've heard many different versions of this quote, but this is deffinately my fav.

"the people that matter the least have the most insightfull things to say about the things that matter the most" -Me

"God knows how to love Kiddo, the rest of us are just good actors" -this really good book

"Good things come to those who wait, Greater things come to those who wait with love" -Rach.

"dont do stupid things, and not cover them up!"  - Steph  

"Articulation is a window to the mind" -Boris

"If I could hold a star for every time I thought of you, I would gather the heavens in my palm" I got it from Rachel, I don't know where it came from sorry

"Raves are ways of changing the psychological state of a human being bringing them into a different plane of existence" ~I got this off of this page~~>http://www.phantasmagoria.f2s.com/writings/rave2body.htm I hope he doesn't mind

" Love isn't measured in moments of time, but timeless moments" -Stpeh's Aunt Gina

"Get up get dressed and make Decisions." -Max Foley age 3 :-)

"The people who matter the least are the ones that we'll die to please" just scary how true it is

" life can be a bitch, deal with it!" -Nate Pucke

" No matter how broken hearted you are, the world doesn't stop for you to grieve" -found that in a chain letter

" hate me now love me later" -my former trainer

"leave loved ones with loving words you don't know if you'll ever see them again" -I don't know who said it butit makes sense

            "Blow pops and gum drops
             And sugary things galore
             All of these are just a tease
             Of the flavors I ador"  
-some guy on AOL I don't know his name tho  :-(

"if you can see the obstical you've taken your eye off the goal"

"no guy is worth your tears, but the one that is, will never make you cry"

"stay here, here is good"

Touch me My hand brushes your cheek as I roll over in bed and I desire to feel you our shoulders rub as we cross paths in a crowded room and I pray for the room to clear. we reach for the same glass our hands touch. and I remember knowing you With every incidental meeting of our bodies I dream, I pray, I yearn for you to touch me Wanting you to remember me Touch me, hold me, feel me, think of the night when you loved and knew me When you touch my hand, brush my shoulder, caress my skin, know that I want you to be near me Always I wish that you would forever touch me.
Written by ~Me

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Sum of my Favorite Linx

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my photo album...a coupple pics of me and my friends...I'll try to keep it updated
this is my second page of pictires :-)
this is the last one, well for now,
I think this is the last one, I don't know any more I've kinda lost count
keep an idiot buisy

Email: abbylaine@aol.com